Early this year, FCC chairman Tom Wheeler put forth a proposal: how about doing away with those set-top boxes you’re required to rent, for lots of money, in order to watch pay-TV? After all, it’s 2016, surely we can do better? Naturally, the suggestion became an instant political football. But after seven months of working it out, the rumor mill says a compromise is on its way. [More]

Dropbox Breach Affected Logins For 68 Million Accounts
Last week, Dropbox asked longtime users to update their login credentials after learning that their information may have been compromised nearly four years earlier. At the time, the file-sharing site didn’t say just how many users were affected by this breach, but a new report shows that more than 68 million accounts were involved.

Dropbox Asking Some Users To Change Passwords
Are you a longtime user of Dropbox? Then you might be asked to change your password. Was the online storage service hacked? No… at least not recently. Instead, Dropbox says some login credential may have been compromised nearly four years ago [More]

Home Depot Agrees To Pay $20M To Settle 2014 Data Breach Lawsuit
Nearly two years after Home Depot said 56 million consumers’ credit and debit cards, as well as email addresses, were compromised in a massive data breach, the home improvement retailer has reached a $19.5 million deal to settle a class-action lawsuit and compensate those customers. [More]

Senator Pushes For System To Notify Consumers ‘The Moment Access To Their Credit Is Requested’
It seems like every day, another retailer, service provider, or government agency falls victim to a data breach, and if a hacker uses that stolen info to open up a new line of credit in your name, you may not know until long after the fact. One lawmaker is hoping to curb identity theft by giving consumers a heads-up whenever their credit reports are accessed. [More]