Reader DudeAsInCool got an apology from Walgreens and a $20 coupon after submitting his complaint over the hassle he was put through when trying to pay with a check. Somehow the who/what/when/why/where/how of his purchase tripped Walgreen’s check verification service, Certegy, and he had to go through a ridiculous phone call in order to get his check cleared.

Credit Report Nightmare: Damned By Apostrophe, Saved By The Letter M
This is the story of a girl named Corey O’Malley, and a boy named Corey O’Malley, who had their credit reports accidentally merged.

Kodak Moments: Kodak Quits Council of Better Business Bureaus Rather Than Face Expulsion
Kodak resigned from the Council of Better Business Bureaus (BBB,) rather than face expulsion for their refusal to respond to complaints lodged by spurned customers.
Kodak was advised it could contest the termination but chose instead to resign its national membership in early March. The photography company allowed its membership in the Buffalo-based branch to lapse about five years ago.

9 Ways To Effectively Complain
U.S. News and World Report has a good refresher course of steps to take to get your consumer complaints resolved. They quote us, so you know they’re onto something.

DirecTV Expect Interest-Free Loans For Overbilling
Man, is the DirecTV billing department staffed by rat-faced bastards or what?

DirecTV's "3-Day No Risk Trial" Actually Full Of Risks And Charges
Reader D signed up for what he thought was a 3-day no risk trial period with DirecTV. Dissatisfied with the picture quality, he canceled two days later and returned the receiver.

Commerce Bank's Free Checking Now Requires $100 Min Balance
Shoehorned into a postcard proclaiming the waiving all ATM fees, Commerce Bank announced their free checking will no longer be free.

Gmail Disables User Accounts Without Reason Or Warning
UPDATE: Gmail says they accidentally disabled a huge swatch of user accounts in an attempt to fight a large spammer network, and is actively reinstating these accounts.

Equifax Refuses To Fix Credit Report, Despite Overwhelming Evidence
Equifax continues to screw up Philip’s credit rating by reporting a late payment on a mortgage that was satisfied in full over a year ago.

Verizon Takes 6 Months To Install FiOS
RFJason documented the 6-month ordeal it took to get Verizon FiOS installed.

Apparently, 5/3 Debit Cards Are Instant Magic Money Wands
In followup to our post on how 5/3 Bank racks up overdraft fees by treating pending charges like they’re processed, we asked customer service, “What’s the rationale for counting pending debits against the ledger balance? Isn’t that contrary to the definition of pending, and how banks traditionally handle transactions?”
AUDIO: Screaming Dell Customer Can't Figure Out How To Shutdown Laptop (Hint: Hold Down The Power Button…)
We can understand his rage. We’d be angry too if we were born so stupid we couldn’t figure out how to press and hold the power button.

Everyone Loves Southwest Airlines, Hates United And US Airways
The new Airline Quality Rating is out and Southwest airlines received the fewest complaints of any airline in 2006. United and US Airways both tied for the highest number of complaints.

It's Extremely Frustrating To Buy Two Car Seats From Babies 'R Us
Here’s the steps I took to try to obtain these seats.

5/3 Bank's New Overdraft Fee Stream: Treat Pending Charges Like Processed!
5/3 Bank decided to rape customers for more fees by changing their policy for handling transactions.

Kick Your Airline Complaint Up A Notch By CCing It To The DOT
WSJ reports that sending a copy of your airline complaint to the Department of Transportation (DOT) can result in increased attention from the airline.

Filthy United Airlines! Disgusting Garbage-Filled Airplane Is Not Cleaned Before Next Flight Departs
How would you like to fly from Hawaii to Chicago in an airplane full of cigarette butts, candy, used tissues, pretzel bags, maxi-pad wrappers, crumbs, dirt, pens, balls of “goo”, and god knows what else just because United Airlines didn’t have “time” to clean the plane? We wouldn’t like it very much at all, and neither did Chris and his wife when they flew from Hawaii to Chicago last weekend.