New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo is suing Dell and he wants your help.

Your Punching Bag Was Full Of Dirty, Stinky Underwear
“I called to ask them if they could tell me if these were clean underwear, but I don’t think that he believed me,” Heckel said. “I said ‘I’m a cop, I’m telling you that’s what’s in there!’
He further describes the incident as “gross but kind of funny in a way.”

Even Reporters Can Not Get Capital One To Act Responsibly
Capital One is so evil that not even media inquiries phase it. Around here we tend to roll our eyes just a little bit at consumer reporters who praise companies for doing the right thing post-media inquiry. After all, what company wouldn’t fix a situation rather than suffer a public shaming by a newspaper? Finally, the answer has been found. That company is Capital One.

ASAP Van Lines Responds To Complaint Alleging $400 Bilking
Tiffany from ASAP Van Lines reached out to us regarding a complaint we posted. Our reader felt she had been unfairly hoodwinked into paying $400 more and was subject to abusive telephone calls. Tiffany offers a different version of the events.

Comcast Is Billing Me For $1236.02 In Porn I Never Ordered
Sue has a serious problem with Comcast. They’re billing her for $1236.02 in porn she never ordered, claiming that it must be her 15 year old son who is ordering it.

Buffalo Wild Wings Would Rather Lose A Customer Than Make A Subsitution
Reader Dan begs our pardon for not having a more egregious complaint, but would like to share his irritation at Buffalo Wild Wings refusal to substitute breaded chicken tenders for naked ones. Lest you assume that Dan was asking for something unreasonable, he writes:
Now keep in mind I wasn’t asking them to scrape bread off my tender or invent some new, exotic expensive dish. I was asking them to just toss in the 4 naked tenders they sell on the menu instead of the breaded ones. I think we can see where this is going. The waitress told me they can’t do that. I was dumbfounded because this seemed like such an easy request. I asked her why and she said the cook can’t do substitutions.
Buffalo Wind Wings stood firm. Dan was not allowed to have naked tenders with his combo, forcing him to purchase less food and resulting in less money for Buffalo Wild Wings. Read his entire email inside.

Raised Txt Msg Rates, Got Until May To Cancel, But The Change Doesn't Happen Until June, So You Can't Use It To Cancel. Funny How That Works.
Joseph wanted to cancel his T-mobile contract over their raise in the text-message rates. Legally, this material change of contract voided his previous contract, but T-mobile still wanted to charge him an early termination fee.

We'll Downgrade Your Bandwidth 82% And You'll Like It
Mark is pissed at HughesNet satellite internet service for downgrading his bandwidth allowance from 350MB per 4 hour period, to 375 MB per 24 hour period.

RESOLVED: Geek Squad Fixed My iPod By Sending Me A Broken One
When Charlie’s iPod died, again, she took it to Best Buy, again, as it was under one of those extended warranties they push. What she got back in the mail was an even more messed up iPod. When she took it to the store, they were kinda jerks about it. After her complaint got posted here, Best Buy swooped in.

Marriott's ISP Blames Scam Site Redirect On World's First Bisexual Rootkit
There’s been a comment war boiling as Marriott, Will, and the hotel’s internet access company (GTS) duke it out to discern the vulnerability redirecting Marirott internet using guests to a casino scam site.

Oh, Your Mom Might Know Your PIN? Then You're Not Getting Your $300 Back
Samantha, pictured holding a log more customer friendly than Capital One, had $300 stolen from her Capital One account, even though her debit card was still in her pocket. When she filed a claim with CapOne, not only did it take numerous contradictory phone calls with employees not knowing their ass from their elbow, her claim was denied. Why? Because she said on her claim form that her mother might know her PIN. Oops.
Marriott Server Compromised, Rerouting Guest's Internet To Casino Scam Site?
When Will changed around the server settings to use a public DNS server instead of Marriott’s, the problem disappeared, leading Will to think someone had “poisoned” Marriott’s DNS servers to drive traffic to their casino scam page(s). He then reported this to Marriott’s techs. We’ve spoken ourselves with Marriott’s server people and they confirm that the secondary DNS is wacked but they need to investigate further.

Chase Switches Me To Paperless Billing, Without My Consent, Then Charges Late Fees
Is Chase enrolling customers in paperless billing without their consent and then charging them late fees when they fail to pay? That’s what seems to have happened to Jack, who writes:

Time Warner Cable Lies And Says They Showed Up At Your House, When They Really Didn't
Jon’s was trying to get his cable line repaired with Time Warner Cable. The missed appointments were bad enough, but the worst was when Time Warner tried to argue with Jon that they had shown up for an appointment and Jon wasn’t there and didn’t answer his doorbell or pick up his phone.

Watch Out If Your Credit Card Gets Sold To SST Card Services, Cause They're A Total Freakin' Scam
Consumer complaints are mounting against SST Card Services for deceptive and unlawful billing practices.

Cingular Charging Me $349.99 For Phone I Already Returned
Chris exchanged his messed up Blackjack with Cingular (now the new AT&T) under warranty replacement. Now Cingular (now the new AT&T) can’t find the phone that he sent back and keeps trying to bill him $349.99 for it. Repeated calls to customer service are unsuccessful and provide contradictory information.