
American Airlines Doesn't Care If You Were Rushed To The ER With Appendicitis. You Are A No Show, And Will Receive No Refund.

American Airlines Doesn't Care If You Were Rushed To The ER With Appendicitis. You Are A No Show, And Will Receive No Refund.

“What is ya’lls experience with dealing with AA when the passenger has a case of appendicitis? My sister is going under the knife in London right now, and was admitted to the ER 6hrs before her scheduled flight back to Seattle. We’ve called AA and they say no chance of getting any sort of re-booking, rebate, coupon, or whatever because she was listed as a “No Show” for the flight. We called the airline before the flight to inform them of the situation.”

Sprint: Please Keep Paying Your Dead Father's Cellphone Bill

Sprint: Please Keep Paying Your Dead Father's Cellphone Bill

Sprint wants Tracey Stewart to keep paying her dead father’s cellphone bill. Sprint is not completely heartless: they offered to cut his monthly rate to $10 until the contract expires in September.

Sprint Solves Krystyl's $14,062.27 Phone Bill Mystery

Sprint Solves Krystyl's $14,062.27 Phone Bill Mystery

Krystl and Sprint tell us that the cellphone provider has seen the error of its ways and decided that Krystl no longer owes them over fourteen thousand dollars:“They dropped all the charges and had told me that the person who had initially signed me up for sprint was supposed to put me on the new EVDO technology system at which they didn’t.”

FiOS Router Constantly Rebooting? Here's The Fix

FiOS Router Constantly Rebooting? Here's The Fix

Are you a a FiOS customer with your Verizon-supplied Actiontec MI424-WR router that keeps rebooting itself? Apparently a recent firmware upgrade, the software that runs the router, is buggy, but there is a solution. You can get it if you call and complain, that is, if you’re able to make it through the phone lines that are all bogged up from other customers calling about the same issue. Reader Jarrod writes, “My entire neighborhood is experiencing this issue and the only resolution I can find online says to call them and complain and then they will fix it. Too bad the support lines are jammed and after I did get through I have been on hold for over 1 1/2 hours.”

5 Most Complained About Airlines In November

5 Most Complained About Airlines In November

Wow, you guys really hated airlines in November. Complaints against airlines jumped 37% in November as compared to last year. Here are the five airlines pulling in the most gripes:

5 Years, 6 iPods, and $1495 Later, You Just Want One That Works

5 Years, 6 iPods, and $1495 Later, You Just Want One That Works

Last week, Reader Andrew CC’d us on this email to Steve Jobs:

Consumer Groups Support National Banking Complaint Hotline

Consumer Groups Support National Banking Complaint Hotline

Consumers Union and Consumer Federation of America both threw their support behind Rep. Carolyn Maloney [D-NY]’s “Financial Consumer Hotline Act of 2007,” a proposal to establish a single national hotline where consumers can file complaints against any financial institution. Currently there are five different federal agencies who regulate the banking industry, each with its own system for collecting and addressing complaints.

Good Luck Actually Getting The Vacuum You Ordered From Sears

Good Luck Actually Getting The Vacuum You Ordered From Sears

Reader Kimberley writes to tell us that in the course of trying to find out why the vacuum she ordered had not been shipped… she was ignored, hung up on or transfered to the phone directory six (6!) times. 6.

Slumlord Dermot Company Finally Installs Boiler

Slumlord Dermot Company Finally Installs Boiler

Huzzah! Dan’s quest to not live in an icecube has succeeded. He writes:

The boiler’s been replaced and I’ve had consistent heat and hot water since xmas. Now i just have this unholy clanking coming from the steam pipe every morning b/t 3 and 5 am which jolts me from my bed in fear that its about to explode and take me with it. The super says hopefully it will get resolved this week.

Cathay Pacific Thinks Your Kid's Car Seat Is A Security Threat

Cathay Pacific Thinks Your Kid's Car Seat Is A Security Threat

James writes:

We were kicked off the 747-400 because they refused to allow a car seat on board and my two year old son was incapable of staying in his coffin-like seat. We were told we were a security threat, threatened to be left behind and accused of not following crew instructions.

Wachovia Thinks Its Computers Are Perfect

Wachovia Thinks Its Computers Are Perfect

Terry writes:

I’m writing to tell you about the miserable service I’ve received from Wachovia Bank. On several occasions I’ve logged into my checking account to sent payments for various things. It seems that more often that not I end up hearing from these businesses wanted to know where the payments are. I know full well that I’ve sent them, and even having the confirmation codes to prove it. I log in to my account and can find no record whatsoever of these payments.

DirecTV Contractor: No, We Won't Fix Our Botched Installation

DirecTV Contractor: No, We Won't Fix Our Botched Installation

DirecTV’s installation contractor, Ironwood Communications, insists on mounting Archie’s three receivers directly to his wood shake roof, even though the subcontractor they retained claims that an under-eave attachment is necessary to avoid damage.

What Part Of "Must Obtain Signature" Did FedEx Misunderstand?

What Part Of "Must Obtain Signature" Did FedEx Misunderstand?

Frank told FedEx to require a signature before delivering his skis, instructions FedEx found vague and confusing. When Frank complained, FedEx said that in order to deliver the increased volume of goods over the holidays, they reserve the right to essentially chuck your delicate gifts from a speeding truck.

Returning A Defective Home Theater To Circuit City Makes You Bang Your Head Against A Wall

Returning A Defective Home Theater To Circuit City Makes You Bang Your Head Against A Wall

“On November 29th, 2007, I purchased a Phillips HTS3544 HTIB (Home Theater in-a-box) online at circuit for $197.47. This included the extra that I paid for expedited 3-day shipping. Done. I thought with the weekend coming up I would receive it around December 3rd-4th. And thats when the problems started rolling on it. The first problem was that the circuit city warehouse didn’t even notify FedEx until December 4th, and I didn’t receive the item until December 7th (which is 3-day on FedEx’s part). Okay, fine, I think Ill just call and have the extra charges refunded. But no way did I know this would spiral into what it has become.”

Miss Your Plane And US Airways Cancels Your Return Flight, Offers No Compensation

Miss Your Plane And US Airways Cancels Your Return Flight, Offers No Compensation

I have a lovely story that I hope you’ll run about our favorite industry… Airlines 🙂

Sears Repair Doesn't Show Up, Claims You Weren't Home

Sears Repair Doesn't Show Up, Claims You Weren't Home

I’m not actually concerned with receiving an extension on my warranty as I just purchased another 5 year warranty from Sears on my fridge. Which brings me to my point…

Continental Strands You In Newark With Your Cat, Offers $75 Voucher

Continental Strands You In Newark With Your Cat, Offers $75 Voucher

I just received about the lamest answer from Continental after presenting them with my complaint, a $75 coupon. I was flying into Ponce, through Newark on the 11th of December. Due to weather, supposedly, I missed my connection in Newark and I was left at 1AM, with no bags or vouchers, or apologies, or upgrades of any sort. The next flight was 24 hours away, only one flight a day. I’m attaching the emails I’ve exchanged with them in hope that you’ll publish them and perhaps cause them some well-deserved shame and bad publicity. I can’t believe they boast of ‘best in customer satisfaction.’

DirecTV Just As Incompetent As Comcast

DirecTV Just As Incompetent As Comcast

“I was one of the majority when it came to being fed up with Comcast. However, unlike most, I never had any of the customer service nightmares so often reported on consumer sites. My dissatisfaction with Comcast was purely based on what I felt was unfair pricing.