

The guy who had a Five-seveN handgun fire out of battery and injure his hand, and then the handgun company stopped returning his calls reports that Five-seveN has now contacted him and promises that they’re sending a pre-paid packing slip and will be sending him a new handgun free of charge. [FivesevenForum]

Citibank Swears The Card Is In The Mail. Liars.

Citibank Swears The Card Is In The Mail. Liars.

Tammy’s been trying to get a new Citibank card to replace her expired one since March. For two months Citibank has lied, stalled, and generally screwed around with her access to her money. For two months, a a series of increasingly senior people have told her her card is on the way. They even told her they’d overnight it, twice. Read her story,

Carnival Ignores Sewage Stench, Tells Passengers To Do The Same

Carnival Ignores Sewage Stench, Tells Passengers To Do The Same

Joseph’s four-day Carnival cruise was tainted by a sewage stench that steamed through his stateroom. Carnival’s only advice was to “shut the bathroom door and close the air vents,” an ineffective solution that forced Joseph and his girlfriend above deck. Now he wants Carnival to clean up their mess.

Complain About Tropicana's Shrinking Containers, Earn A Free Carton Of Juice

Complain About Tropicana's Shrinking Containers, Earn A Free Carton Of Juice

Joel loves his orange juice and is none too pleased with Tropicana’s recent decision to shrink their containers by 7 oz. He fired off a complaint through Tropicana’s website, and was pleasantly surprised when the company responded with a coupon for a free carton of shrunken sweetness.

This Online Pet Store Has Rabies

This Online Pet Store Has Rabies

Obnoxious Police Telemarketers Tease You About Your Bedtime

Obnoxious Police Telemarketers Tease You About Your Bedtime

Reader Chris, a donator to his local police department, is disturbed by the calls he has been receiving from the Richmond Police telemarketers. Besides being unusually aggressive and rude, one of their recent tactics involves placing phone calls late at night. One evening Chris tried to explain to this person that it was too late to take such calls to which the disgruntled telemarketer replied, “Ok little guy, you get to bed.” Chris describes the strange phone calls, inside…

Target Employee Says Whatever She Feels Like At The Time

Target Employee Says Whatever She Feels Like At The Time

"Gay" Player Name Banned By Xbox Live

"Gay" Player Name Banned By Xbox Live

Reader Grant says that his gamer tag “theGAYERgamer” was recently banned by Xbox Live. He hoped that a call to customer support would sort things out but all he received was a confusing explanation from an Xbox Live supervisor. According to the supervisor, it wasn’t that she found the name offensive, but it was the “greater Xbox community” that found it offensive. Screenshot above. Grant’s letter, inside…

FICO Scores Drop Over 100 Points After Sallie Mae Recode, Potentially Millions Affected

FICO Scores Drop Over 100 Points After Sallie Mae Recode, Potentially Millions Affected

Consumers are complaining that a change in how Sallie Mae decided to recode some loans caused their credit score to drop by over a hundred points. That’s enough to make a $93,240 difference in a home loan’s total cost. Here’s what happened.


Radiohead ticket holders who couldn’t get into the DC concert this weekend due to flooding should email their grievances to [via DCist]

Five-seveN Gun Blows Up In Owner's Hand, Manufacturer Indifferent

Five-seveN Gun Blows Up In Owner's Hand, Manufacturer Indifferent

UPDATE: FNH Gun Blew Up In Owner’s Hand Because He Used Reloaded Ammo

Quiznos Takes Your Money For Online Order, Refuses To Give You Food

Quiznos Takes Your Money For Online Order, Refuses To Give You Food

Reader Nora placed an order via the internet with Quiznos and paid with a credit card. But when Nora’s husband arrived at the store, he was told that their store didn’t accept online orders. They had already paid online but Quiznos didn’t seem to care. Her letter, inside…

Uhaul Says You Must Have A Land Line To Rent A Truck

Uhaul Says You Must Have A Land Line To Rent A Truck

Having previously rented at U-Haul with no issues, reader Robert was surprised when a U-Haul agent wouldn’t rent him a truck unless he had a land line phone number. Robert tried giving him his work number but agent promptly dialed and when he realized it wasn’t Robert’s personal phone number, he hung up and said, “Land line!” Not having an actual land line number Robert was in a bit of a jam. Robert’s letter, inside….

How Difficult Is It To Reactivate A Stolen iPhone? Not Very

How Difficult Is It To Reactivate A Stolen iPhone? Not Very

Picture this: The phones rings, and you check the caller ID and see your girlfriend’s number. With great anticipation you answer the call, but then a gruff masculine “Hello” bellows from the ear piece. What the…? It sounds awkward but that’s what happened to James. His girlfriend’s iPhone was stolen a few weeks ago and the theft was reported to AT&T who had the phone deactivated. However, the new owner of the stolen iPhone had it reactivated and assumed the phone number of James’ girlfriend, thus deactivating James’ girlfriend’s replacement phone. How could this happen? James’ letter, inside…

San Diego Padres' "Loaded Tickets" Are Actually Just A Load

San Diego Padres' "Loaded Tickets" Are Actually Just A Load

Jonathan purchased the heavily promoted Padres’ “loaded tickets” for his family, each costing $40 which includes a $20 credit toward concessions at the park. The family arrived at Petco Park where confused employees told them to wait in several different lines because nobody knew how to process their tickets…strike 1. During the game, Jonathan thought he would go and redeem the concession money on his tickets by getting some food for his family. However, the food-stand employee balked at Jonathan’s loaded ticket, so Jonathan spent $40 out-of-pocket for food…strike 2. After a month of phone tag and a half-dozen calls, park officials refused to compensate him for the money he spent on food at the park…strike 3, yer out. His letter, inside…

Broken DVD Rental Machine Charges You $75 for 2 DVDs

Broken DVD Rental Machine Charges You $75 for 2 DVDs

Reader Jamie used to enjoy the convenience of those DVD rental vending machines you see in supermarkets, but that quickly changed when she was mistakenly billed $74.90 on her debit card for 2 DVDs. One would think a few calls to customer service would fix this mess but “The New Release” has left Jamie twisting in the wind. Her letter and our advice, inside…

AT&T Customer? No Go Phone For You!

AT&T Customer? No Go Phone For You!

In case you though AT&T wanting to run a credit check before they sell you a prepaid phone was as dumb as AT&T could get, reader Dan writes in to tell us about an AT&T store that wouldn’t sell him a phone because he was already an AT&T customer. If he hadn’t copped to being an AT&T customer, he could have walked out of the store with a lovely LG CG180 Go Phone. But since he admitted he had an AT&T number, the sales reps at the store wanted him to put an extra $100 down. More, after the jump.

Can Dell Stop Itself From Sending Me Catalogs?

Can Dell Stop Itself From Sending Me Catalogs?

Dell, for the love of God, stop sending me catalogs! They are annoying and unwanted, not to mention, useless. If I want to buy something from you, I’ll go online. I’ve filled out your online forms asking you to stop. I’ve asked over the phone. Three different Dell executives have been in email contact with me pledging that they would investigate the mystery of why Dell is addicted to sending me catalogs. I’ve burnt them. I’ve recycled them. They continue to arrive. In my previous post on this, someone mentioned they got Dell to stop after filing a BBB complaint. Here’s where you go to make one online. I just filed one, my first ever BBB complaint (Dell, see what you made me do?). It took less than 5 minutes.