
Nook Deletes All Your Files, Barnes & Nobles

Nook Deletes All Your Files, Barnes & Nobles Shrugs

If you own a Nook, you better make sure you regularly update its software, otherwise you might lose all your files that are not B&N books. That’s what happened to Michael, and customer service told him that it can happen if the device hasn’t been updated recently. The updates are too much for it to handle so it has to spontaneously jettison all foreign objects! Or something like that. [More]

Wells Fargo Hits Girl With Secret Fee Trifecta

Wells Fargo Hits Girl With Secret Fee Trifecta

Christina is broke as a joke. Wells Fargo doesn’t think this is funny and decides to shut down her account for having no money in it and no activity on it. No big whoop, she’ll just open another account. She does this twice. Then, whups! Those accounts were never closed! And we’re charging you fees because they were actually fee-based savings accounts! And you’re in collections! Good times, let them roll: [More]

FiOS Is Fast Except When You Can't Upload Anything

FiOS Is Fast Except When You Can't Upload Anything

Matt hasn’t been able to upload anything for 10 days now which is a bit of a problem when you have a home business built around uploading stuff for clients. [More]

Phone Co. Wakes You Up At 6:48 In The Morning To Ask How
Their Botched Service Call Went

Phone Co. Wakes You Up At 6:48 In The Morning To Ask How Their Botched Service Call Went

Tom was woken up at 6:48 in the morning by an automated call from his telephone company. They wanted him to take a “how was our service?” survey. [More]

Supermarket Threatens To Fire Slowest Cashier, Destroys
Brand Image

Supermarket Threatens To Fire Slowest Cashier, Destroys Brand Image

Steve and his wife were checking out at the supermarket when they noticed something odd about the cashier packing his bags. She was ramming all his groceries like she was trying to repair a levy in a flood. [More]

Subway Says Your Sandwich Is "Cheating"

Subway Says Your Sandwich Is "Cheating"

A Subway sandwich artist told Chet that the sandwich he’s been ordering for years is “illegitimate.” [More]

AT&T Relinquishes Vicegrip On Ex-Customer's $500

AT&T Relinquishes Vicegrip On Ex-Customer's $500

Consumerist reader Teighlor and her boyfriend tried to sign up for AT&T U-verse but after 20 days of missed appointments and it never getting installed, they returned the equipment and canceled the service. AT&T then deducted $500 from their account for unreturned equipment. [More]

Capital One "No Hassles" Card Actually Kind Of A Hassle

Capital One "No Hassles" Card Actually Kind Of A Hassle

Reader Neurocat says he loves the rewards on his Capital One “No Hassles” Visa card. Cashing in points for $100 gift cards to Home Depot, Sears and the like is handy when you’ve just bought your first fixer-upper house. Then he was slightly late on two of his payments and the honeymoon was over. [More]

Best Buy Takes 115 Days To Repair Your Washer

Best Buy Takes 115 Days To Repair Your Washer

As if you needed further proof that buying the store-offered service plan is a bad deal, Terri says that it took Best Buy to 115 days to repair her LG front-loading washer. That’s a lot of days to go without clean undies. [More]

Worst Company In America Trophy Mailed To Comcast

Worst Company In America Trophy Mailed To Comcast

We are super-duper late in mailing out Comcast’s Worst Company In America trophy so we decided to spice it up with a disco lightshow for the award and a nice congratulatory letter. [More]

Man Gets $126 In Fees Refunded After Bar Charged Him Twice For One Drink

Man Gets $126 In Fees Refunded After Bar Charged Him Twice For One Drink

Freddy was furious. $126 in overdraft fees? Even though his balance is sometimes down to the wire, he is careful to make sure he has enough funds in his account. Ah yes, but this doesn’t account for when they mess up. [More]

Unbearably Noisy Biodegradable SunChips Bag Terminated

Unbearably Noisy Biodegradable SunChips Bag Terminated

18 months ago SunChips launched a new 100% biodegradable bag that, because of a unique molecular structure, sounds like a freakin’ lawnmower when you opened. After a drop in sales and a rise in consumers hating it, FritoLay is discontinuing the bags and retooling. Here is what one sounds like: [More]

Man Gets 87,000 Rewards Points Back

Man Gets 87,000 Rewards Points Back

Andy and his wife were saving up for a trip for Hawaii. They had 87,000 points, which represented $87,000 they had spent accumulating these points. Out of nowhere, Citibank closed his account and gave him no chance to get his points. [More]

You Order 2 iPhones, AT&T Ships 4, Sends You To Collections

You Order 2 iPhones, AT&T Ships 4, Sends You To Collections

Redditor Sketchampm says he and his girlfriend ordered two iPhones, and AT&T shipped them four. They sent two back as instructed and got refunded, but AT&T kept sending them bills for the other two phones, which customer service told them to ignore. Today, 3 months later, they get a call from a debt collector, demanding $1,100. [More]

Bar Charges Me Twice For A Drink, I Get $126 In Overdraft Fees

Bar Charges Me Twice For A Drink, I Get $126 In Overdraft Fees

Freddy watches his balances like a hawk, so he was surprised when TD Bank hit him for $126 in overdraft fees. Turns out the bar he had gone to had accidentally charged his debit card twice for one of his drinks, and though he was careful to stay within his low balance, it set the stage for a cascade of fees. [More]

Collectors, Stop Harrassing Me About Mom's Debt

Collectors, Stop Harrassing Me About Mom's Debt

Michele keeps getting nasty letters and phone calls from debt collectors trying to get her to pay for her mother’s debt. One of them told her the local police had said she “should be arrested” and another pretended to be from the U.S. Department of Education. How does she get them to stop? [More]

Without Receipts, Some Are Losing Money When They Return Recalled Similac

Without Receipts, Some Are Losing Money When They Return Recalled Similac

Jeff says since his local grocery stores put Similac on sale, his daughter hasn’t been able to get the full price back for the recalled Similac she returned because she doesn’t have her receipts. Without proof that she bought it before it went on sale, they will only refund her the sale price. “Who saves grocery receipts?” he writes. “My daughter was out $40 with everything she returned and repurchased a different product.” [More]

Verizon Talks Elderly Parents Into Pricey Phones They Can't Use

Verizon Talks Elderly Parents Into Pricey Phones They Can't Use

A fast-talking Verizon rep talked Joanna’s septuagenarian parents into buying expensive Blackberry Storm 2’s, but after they got them, they found that when it came to using the devices, they were all thumbs. Her dad has large fingers and rheumatoid arthritis, and the gadgets were overall too complex for her parents. [More]