Lithium-ion batteries are part of items that we use every day and we hardly think about them, but they can cause explosions and fires if they’re prone to overheating. That’s the case for batteries that are part of laptop computers sold in the last few years by HP and by Sony, and now those batteries have been recalled. [More]

Geek Squad Turns Your Laptop Into An XBOX 360?
Reader Taylor is a little concerned about his laptop. It died on Halloween and he took it in to Best Buy the next day. Two weeks later, he typed his order number into the Geek Squad website and found that a little Halloween magic had taken place. His laptop was now an XBOX 360.

HP And Compaq Laptop Computer Batteries Recalled Due To Fire Hazard
HP announced today that laptop computer batteries have been recalled as a fire hazard due to risk of overheating. Affected models are HP Pavilion, Compaq Presario, HP, and HP Compaq computers sold from about August 2007 to March 2008. Find out if your computer is affected and get a replacement battery at HP’s site.

HP Takes Three Months To Repair Laptop, Then Ships It To The Wrong Address
Hewlett-Packard took over three months to fix reader Mark’s ailing laptop, which they then shipped to the wrong address. HP charged Mark several hundred dollars for the repairs in July, and gave an expected delivery date of August 5. In early September, Mark was told that the laptop would definitely ship by September 24. On October 10, Mark learned – after sending an email to the CEO and leaving ten messages – that his laptop could not be repaired, and that he would instead receive a new Compaq Presario by October 23. The laptop finally shipped on October 25 to Lavergne, Tennessee. Mark lives in Iowa.

American Express Extended Warranty Protection Buys You A New Laptop
Now I am mad. So I called back this morning and went through the whole thing with several layers of managers and what not all saying no. I find this absolutely ridiculous…is there anything I can do? Should I contact HP non-support customer service? I just find this so ridiculous. I literally could have bought the laptop a week later, still given it to her on Christmas, and thus it would have broken the same time, and it would be covered.
After a bit of research, we knew David had pretty much exhausted his options with Compaq, but there was still hope. Even without an extended warranty, we helped David get his laptop replaced. How? Read our response to David and his success story inside.

All Laptops Break. Period.
This Consumer Reports chart ranks how quickly different laptops need repair.
Morning Deals Round Up
• It would appear the Dell coupons for the Canon 20D Digital SLR Camera are already kaput, but there’s still time to sneak in a 20% coupon for the Digital Rebel XT Silver Body. Add coupon code: TDZ2BZCXTN?PMX, add in another discount from The Dell Game, and use the $75 Rebate for a total of $600. Not shabby at all for a great camera, although you’ll still want to purchase a lens. [via Slickdeals]