The thing about a major comic book convention like Comic-Con? People are probably going to buy stuff, including comic books, likely in large quantities. But some travelers leaving San Diego after this past weekend’s Comic-Con International were confused by signs informing them that comic books are not allowed in checked baggage. However, that’s just not true. [More]
comic books

Amazon’s Deal With Marvel Adds 12,000 Comics To The Kindle Store
Kindle users who’d rather pick up a comic book than a literary tome will now have 12,000 more options with a new deal between Amazon and Marvel. The e-commerce giant announced a partnership last night that will allow fans to download single issues of the publisher’s comics directly from its store. [More]

Spider-Man’s True Secret Power Is The Ability To Turn Into Cash And Pay For Weddings
Bet you thought Spider-Man’s superhero powers were of the “I can shoot webs from my hands” type. Sure, that’s true, but did you also know that he has the awe-inspiring ability to turn his name into cash and help pay for the most expensive day of your life? An Ohio father realized this recently when he cashed in a Spider-Man comic book and was able to use the funds to allay the cost of his daughter’s wedding. [More]

Paula Deen Comic Book To Live On In Wake Of Major Brand Implosion
Now that Paula Deen’s big business deals have fallen like so many dominos in the wake of her admission to using racist language, it might seem like there aren’t many companies out there eager to sell goods with her name attached. Not so in the world of comics, apparently, as one publisher says it’s going ahead with plans to release the comic book Female Force: Paula Deen in October. [More]

Update: Comic Book Found In Wall Sells For $175,000 At Auction
Remember last month when we told you about the Minnesota home-rebuilder who bought a fixer-upper for $10,000 and then found a copy of Action Comics #1 from 1938 hidden in the wall? It was expected that the rare book would go for at least six figures, and when the auction closed last night, the final bid was for $175,000. [More]

Man Pays $10K For House, Finds $107,000 Comic Book Hidden In Wall
When a Minnesota home remodeler decided to plunk down $10,100 for a fixer-upper to rehab, he just assumed it was a no-lose investment. Little did he know about the rare comic book he’d find stashed in the wall of the house. [More]

DC Comics Suffers Midlife Crisis, Gets All Modern
It seems that in the world of comic books, the equivalent of getting a sports car and a mistress when confronted with mortality is a wholesale shake-up that includes renumbered issues, new uniforms for its heroes and a focus on digital delivery. DC Comics, the home of Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman, is attempting to reinvent itself in the face of falling print sales before it’s too late. [More]

Elderly Man Beaten To Death While Trying To Sell Comics Collection
A 77-year-old man decided to cash out his comic book collection and peddled it around Upstate New York. Police say thugs who found out he had the collection broke into his home, took the comic books and beat the man, allegedly causing a heart attack that resulted in his death. [More]

Comic Book Prices Creep To $3.99 Per Issue
Over at sci-fi publisher website, Heather Massey points out that the ceiling on comic book pricing is being steadily pushed higher by the big publishers, especially Marvel, which now prices individual issues of some of its titles at $3.99 each.