
(Unusual Suspect)

Comcast Knows Your Storm-Ravaged House Might Explode, Would Really Like Its Cable Box Back

It seems like every time there is a major natural disaster, there are inevitably cable company customer service reps who place a higher level of importance on their employer’s equipment than on their customers’ homes and lives. [More]


Comcast Doesn’t Understand That 42-42=0, Sends Me To Collections

For a few months in mid-2011, Consumerist reader Claudia lived in two different apartments while waiting to close escrow on her new home. At both apartments, she’d had cable from Comcast, and when she closed out her account she was told she had a zero balance. Then yesterday, Claudia gets a call from a collections agency. [More]


Comcast Offers Up Its Wi-Fi Hot Spots For Free To Anyone In States Impacted By Sandy

The spirit of goodwill toward our fellow humans in the wake of Superstorm Sandy continues to spread to big businesses. First AT&T and T-Mobile took a cue from the acts of generous individuals in helping out our neighbors by offering to share their networks for customers in the path of the storm, and now Comcast has announced it’ll offer up free WiFi to those in need in storm-ravaged states. [More]

On the left, Comcast's website says Auto Pay is off. On the right, the Comcast bill indicates Auto Pay is on.

Comcast, Where Your Auto Pay Is Simultaneously On And Off

When you put a monthly bill on auto pay, it’s easy to occasionally take for granted that the right amount of money is being taken out every 30 days. But when the company you’re paying doesn’t seem to know whether or not you’re enrolled in auto pay, you can end up screwed. [More]


Anti-Piracy Porn Lawyer: “I’m The Original Copyright Troll”

We’ve written quite a bit recently about strong-arm tactics used by lawyers representing the porn industry to squeeze settlements out of alleged file sharers who would rather pay up than have their names publicly linked to downloaded porn. One attorney who has made millions from this practice says he is fully aware that everyone hates him. [More]

No one wants this to happen.

Roving Bands Of Pushy Comcast Workers Freaking Out Seattle Residents

I don’t think I’m going out on a limb here to say Cable Guy was not a good movie. And having a Jim Carrey-esque worker show up to your home in real life and get all up in your face and pushy? That’s downright terrifying. Some Seattle residents are claiming Comcast contract workers are going too far and totally freaking out potential customers with their overly aggressive ways. [More]


Comcast Moves 1,000 Call Center Jobs Out Of California, Totally Doesn’t Blame State Government

Comcast customers in northern California who call in for help won’t be talking to their neighbors anymore. Kabletown announced yesterday that they plan to shut down call centers in Livermore, Morgan Hill and Sacramento in November. The 1,000 employees affected will have the opportunity to receive severance packages, or to follow their jobs as they’re transferred to call centers in Oregon, Washington and Colorado. The interesting part, though, is what Comcast had to say about why they’re moving the jobs, then later retracted. [More]

Comcast Installer Thought This Mess Of Cables Was Less Of An Eyesore Than Running Them Along Floor

Comcast Installer Thought This Mess Of Cables Was Less Of An Eyesore Than Running Them Along Floor

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and everyone’s a critic. So while Consumerist reader Stephen looks at the black cables left on his wall by a Comcast installer and sees an ugly mess, others might see something that belongs in a museum. [More]

Verizon’s Deal To Buy Spectrum From Cable Companies Could Mean Fewer Cable Options For Consumers

Verizon’s Deal To Buy Spectrum From Cable Companies Could Mean Fewer Cable Options For Consumers

It seems like it’s been oh, about eight months since Verizon Wireless announced its proposal to buy billions of dollars worth of wireless spectrum from cable companies who aren’t using it anyway. At first glance, it seems like a not-horrible idea, as Verizon Wireless doesn’t compete directly with the likes of Comcast and Time Warner Cable. But with regulators nearing a decision on the deal, several high-profile folks have come forward to voice their concerns about how Verizon might be sacrificing the growth of its FiOS business in favor of its wireless network. [More]

Cable Boxes Slurp More Electricity Than Refrigerators

Cable Boxes Slurp More Electricity Than Refrigerators

The biggest energy hog in your house is probably sitting right under your TV. That little ol’ set-top box could be using up more electricity in your house than your refrigerator or central air conditioning, according to a new study by the Natural Resources Defense Council. [More]

Comcast Begs Employees To Vote For Charter In Worst Company In America Poll

Comcast Begs Employees To Vote For Charter In Worst Company In America Poll

We know that none of the companies in this year’s Worst Company In America tournament want to be on the list. But reigning Golden Poo holder Comcast has decided that, rather than actually do anything about the problems that make it a perennial favorite, it will just beg its employees to vote — multiple times — for the other guy. [More]

Comcast Loves You So Much They Keep Billing You… 4 Months After You Canceled

Comcast Loves You So Much They Keep Billing You… 4 Months After You Canceled

Oh Comcast, you romantic. You were so sorry to see Michal leave that you pretended he didn’t. We get it: he bikes, he blogs, he helps toddlers learn Polish. But after four months of him repeatedly asking you to stop billing him, when you still won’t stop it begins to look a little stalker-ish. Your computers can’t always be down.