

Comcast Now Charging Customers For Formerly Free Converter Boxes

Not so long ago, Comcast customers who had to upgrade to digital set-top boxes were provided up to two free digital-television adapters so they wouldn’t gave to trash their old analog sets. Now, folks who still have those DTAs will have to pay $1.99/month for the privilege. [More]


Comcast Doesn’t Understand The Idea Of ‘Transferring Service,’ Shuts All Of Our Services Down

Brad is a longtime customer of Comcast, and he planned to take Comcast with him to his new home. This was a mistake. Not the part where he was going to keep using Comcast: in many areas, people who want cable don’t really have a choice. His mistake was letting Comcast know ahead of time that he planned to move. Things began to go terribly wrong within mere minutes, and he is still without any of his Comcast services, even though the move is weeks away. [More]

Consumerist And Comcast Bring Blogger A ‘January Miracle’ Of Fast Internet

Consumerist And Comcast Bring Blogger A ‘January Miracle’ Of Fast Internet

For the first time in thirteen months, Andrea can do something that seemed impossible only a few weeks ago. She can surf over to YouTube, select a video, and have it play.For most people, this wouldn’t be all that amazing, but Andrea has been fighting with Comcast to get the fast data speeds that she was promised and that she needs to do her job. After a yearlong saga, how did she finally catch the attention of someone at Kabletown? Lots of blogging, a mention on Consumerist, and the heroic efforts of the Comcast Cares team. [More]


Comcast Sells Me Data Speeds It Can’t Possibly Deliver

Andrea needs high-speed Internet access to get her work done. Really high speed. Faster than your average DSL or satellite Internet connection; faster than what she gets once everyone in her town gets home from work or school and starts playing Facebook games or downloading torrents or whatever it is they do. She can get the level of service that she pays for and actually needs, but only for a few hours a day. [More]

Cable companies and airlines dominated the ACSI's worst-of list for 2012.

List Of Companies With Worst Customer Service Scores Is Full Of Familiar Names

Bank of America, Comcast, Time Warner Cable, Delta, Charter, American Airlines — these are just a few of the all-too-familiar companies sitting comfortably in the back of the pack in terms of customer service for 2012. [More]

Before being dissolved by the Supreme Court in 1911, Standard Oil was the world's largest oil refiner and made founder John D. Rockefeller the wealthiest man in America.

Is Comcast The 21st Century Version Of Standard Oil?

More than 100 years ago, the Supreme Court ruled that Standard Oil had become an “unreasonable” monopoly and broke the mega-company up into dozens of smaller ones. With America’s growing reliance on the Internet and high-speed data transmission, is it time to put companies like Comcast and AT&T under the antitrust microscope? [More]

(From the New America Foundation report)

New Report Says “Cash Cow” Data Caps Are About Pleasing Investors, Not Relieving Congestion

Internet users have been complaining about data caps — and the costly penalties for going over said caps — for years, while both wireless and fixed broadband providers claimed these caps were an absolute necessity to curb runaway use. But a new report attempts to debunk many of the ISP industry’s claims. [More]


Former Customer Claims Comcast Error Ultimately Cost Him $26,000

When a man in Washington, D.C., canceled his Comcast service in 2010, he probably had no idea that this decision could set off a chain of events that would damage his credit and have him paying more for to refinance his house — and ultimately ending up pleading his case in a U.S. District Court. [More]


Netflix Now Posting Monthly Rankings Of ISP Speeds

If, during the course of watching a 50-hour marathon of Burn Notice on Netflix, you find yourself occasionally annoyed by drops in resolution or — heaven forefend — buffering, it might be your Internet service provider. Well, now you can get a better idea as Netflix intends to post monthly rankings of speed on 21 major ISPs. [More]

Behold the rare Comcastic Peacock (Pavo comcasticus).

Comcast Adds NBC Peacock To New Logo, Hoping To Replace Thoughts Of Mediocre Cable With Memories Of So-So TV Shows

Even though NBC’s TV offerings only represent a relatively small portion of Comcast’s overall business, the folks at Kabletown are giving the network’s classic peacock logo a prime position in the new Comcast logo. [More]

(Tom Birch/

Comcast Decides Maybe It Shouldn’t Have Put Those Ugly Metal Boxes In Historic Neighborhood

About a month ago, we told you about the uproar over the gray-green, refrigerator-size boxes Comcast apparently time-warped straight from 1953 to the sidewalks of D.C.’s historic Georgetown section. But things are calming down now that Comcast has decided to move that hardware underground. [More]


‘Six Strikes’ Anti-Piracy Program Delayed To 2013, This Time Because Of Hurricane Sandy

A long-in-the-works anti-piracy program from five major telecom players is probably not something you would think could be affected by a hurricane, but that’s apparently what is keeping the “Six Strikes” program from launching this week. [More]


Porn Companies Sue Verizon For Refusing To Name Alleged BitTorrent Pirates

Months after Comcast refused porn companies’ requests to hand over names of Internet customers allegedly involved in illegal file sharing, a trio of porn purveyors are going after Verizon for its denial of such requests. [More]


Comcast (Eventually) Buys Customer New TV After Her Cable Box Goes BOOM!

A California woman says she was just watching TV one night when her Comcast cable box suddenly exploded, followed by her TV shutting itself off, never to turn on again. [More]


If Comcast Can’t Help You Over The Phone, Maybe Try Going To Your Local Comcast Office

Once upon a time, phone customer service was a luxury and online chat service was a thing for science fiction. But sometimes, it pays off to just drive (or walk, bike, skate, skulk from rooftop to rooftop) to your local Comcast office when the folks on the phone just can’t help you. [More]


Cutting Only Part Of The Cord Could End Up Costing You More (At First)

A growing number of people are ditching cable and going Internet-only for their video entertainment. But cutting that cable cord could actually end up costing more for some customers — at least for the first six months to a year. [More]

KG regretting his analogy.

Kevin Garnett Earns Award For Most Bizarre DirecTV Endorsement Of The Year

Professional athletes don’t get paid for their prowess at making analogies, but when they have to speak to the press after each and every game, they come up with some creative ways of expressing their opinions. [More]

(Tom Birch/

Comcast Uglying Up Historic Georgetown With Big Metal Boxes

Not since little Regan MacNeil left the steps of Georgetown littered with bodies have the people of this quaint, historic Washington, D.C., neighborhood been so horrified. But this time it’s not possessed children, it’s Comcast. [More]