
Hey Comcast, Cubs Fans Want TBS In HD. Right Now.

Hey Comcast, Cubs Fans Want TBS In HD. Right Now.

Comcast will add TBS HD to their line-up in Boston Tuesday, a day before Major League Baseball’s playoffs start, but Chicago isn’t getting the same treatment according to reader Daniel.

Comcast Accidentally Angers Philadelphia Sports Fans, Retreats To Secure Bunker

Comcast Accidentally Angers Philadelphia Sports Fans, Retreats To Secure Bunker

Comcast is holed up in a secure bunker today after accidentally angering some Philadelphia sports fans who were hoping to see the Phillies play the Nationals as they attempt to win the NL East.

5 Confessions Of A Comcast Customer Service Rep

5 Confessions Of A Comcast Customer Service Rep

“I am writing this because I feel more and more as I work there that I can’t sit back and watch Comcast fall flat on its ass when it comes to customer service. I hate to say it like that but Comcast’s customer service is amazing. I am going to tell you a few things that you may not believe happens in a call center but it does. I am leaking this information in hopes that Comcast will know that their customers are fully aware of what is going on and that their screwed up actions should be stopped in their tracks.”

Skorts Are Never Appropriate At Comcast

Skorts Are Never Appropriate At Comcast

This is the dress code policy for Comcast call centers. It strictly forbids the use of skorts.

FCC Proposes $4,000 Fine On Comcast For Broadcasting "Fake News"

FCC Proposes $4,000 Fine On Comcast For Broadcasting "Fake News"

The FCC, always a source of amusement for this website, has decided to crack down on Comcast for broadcasting VNRs or “Video News Releases.” VNRs are produced by PR firms for use as filler by lazy TV news producers. It’s a great deal for TV: They get free content and don’t have to deal with the pressure of doing their jobs properly, and the company gets product placement. Consumers are the only losers.

Comcast's Download Cap Is 200 GB, But Only In Areas With Subpar Networks

Comcast's Download Cap Is 200 GB, But Only In Areas With Subpar Networks

Comcast’s download limit is 200 gigabytes, but the limit isn’t everywhere, a former Comcast employee told The Consumerist. Places where the network isn’t optimal, due to old hardware or too much traffic, like the Bay Area, will run into the limit. Places like Philadelphia will never run into the problem.

Are Bundled Packages A Threat To Privacy?

Are Bundled Packages A Threat To Privacy?

The L.A. Times read the privacy policies of several bundled service providers and found that they are feverishly monitoring their subscriber’s activities. With the ability to monitor internet, phone, and television preferences, bundled service providers are able to track nearly every aspect of their subscriber’s digital lives. While Google retains personally identifiable for less than two years, some ISPs like Time Warner cling to your data for an astounding fifteen years in order to “comply with tax and accounting requirements.” It gets worse.

There are red flags to be found in each telecom provider’s privacy policy. A close reading of Time Warner’s policy reveals:

FCC Talks "A La Carte" Cable

FCC Talks "A La Carte" Cable

FCC Chairman Kevin Martin thinks your cable bill is too high.

Comcast Installs Cable With Extreme Incompetence

Comcast Installs Cable With Extreme Incompetence

This above pictured pile of cables is but the beginning of Glen’s magical mystery tour into the wonder of having a Comcast contractor install cable…

Comcast Tech Leaves Halfway Through Install, Tells Boss He's Done

Comcast Tech Leaves Halfway Through Install, Tells Boss He's Done

Bob Garfield usually writes a blog about advertising and marketing for Advertising Age. Yesterday’s post was a change of pace for Bob. It’s called: “Comcast Must Die.”

UK Broadband Providers Show US What Real "Competition" Looks Like

UK Broadband Providers Show US What Real "Competition" Looks Like

Even our readers can’t agree on whether net neutrality is a good or a bad thing, so we thought we’d stoke the fire with a nice side-by-side comparison of sample broadband options for consumers in two “free markets,” the US and the UK. Art Brodsky of the Huffington Post (oops, we probably already lost half of you) writes that a British man he met while traveling showed him a spreadsheet he’d put together that compared 59 different broadband providers, so he’d know which one to do business with.

Comcast's Class Action Waiver Ruled "Unconscionable"

Comcast's Class Action Waiver Ruled "Unconscionable"

Comcast can’t use their mandatory arbitration clause to keep its Georgia customers from obtaining class-action status in a lawsuit that alleges Comcast inappropriately collected too many franchise fees. The amount that was improperly collected (about $11 a subscriber) isn’t enough to warrant a bunch of individual lawsuits, so Comcast thought it could get away with it by citing its mandatory arbitration clause forbidding class-action lawsuits. It worked at first, but now the 11th Circuit Court is having none of it.

Comcast Testing "Do-It-Yourself" Phone Install Kits

Comcast Testing "Do-It-Yourself" Phone Install Kits

Let’s face it, you are probably smarter than your last Comcast technician—at least, you probably think you are.

Can TiVo Compete?

Can TiVo Compete?

According to USAToday, Tivo failed to anticipate how quickly its customers would fall in love with HDTV—and out of love with TiVo.

Contact Info For 100 Cable System Executives

Contact Info For 100 Cable System Executives

Wow. Here’s contact info for 100 cable company executives.

Mother Lode Of Comcast Escalation Phone Numbers For Every Region

Mother Lode Of Comcast Escalation Phone Numbers For Every Region

Looks like we got our hands on a big ol’ list of Comcast contacts for every single regional division. Names and numbers listed under “Sched Install,” “Complete Install,” “Reschedule Install,” “Billing Adjustments,” “Escalation Contact,” and “Retention “save” disco’s” would seem to be of particular interest to consumers trying to escalate issues through the notoriously unresponsive and uncaring cable company.

Comcast Tries To Sterilize, Decapitate BitTorrent

Comcast Tries To Sterilize, Decapitate BitTorrent

Comcast is reportedly stabbing at the heart of the file transfer protocol BitTorrent by preventing users from seeding torrent files. Seeds are completed BitTorrent downloads shared with other users; without seeders, the BitTorrent protocol does not work, much the way a garden can’t grow without seeds. Comcast’s draconian throttling solution utilizes a program from Sandvine that affects all files distributed through BitTorrent, regardless of whether the shared file is an illegally downloaded movie, or a legal distribution of Linux. From TorrentFreak: The throttling works like this…

Comcast Caught Astroturfing About "Big Ten" Channel

Comcast Caught Astroturfing About "Big Ten" Channel

When will companies learn that astroturfing is lame? Never!