
Comcast Installers Save 2 From Burning Building

Comcast Installers Save 2 From Burning Building

Comcast gets a lot of knocks around here but you gotta give a thumbs up to these three Comcast installers who saved two people from a burning building building in Chicago. The contractors were on their way to install when they saw flames coming from a building with a pharmacy downstairs and residences upstairs. They turned around, got a ladder off their truck, and started banging on the windows. “If it weren’t for the cable workers, I’d probably be burnt up,” said one of the tenants. The fire department says the fire was started by a thrown Moltov cocktail, but perhaps they should also check if any FiOs trucks were in the nearby vicinity.

Comcast Sues The NFL For Breach Of Contract

Comcast Sues The NFL For Breach Of Contract

Comcast has sued the NFL for breach of contract alleging that the league is breaking its contract with Comcast by encouraging the cable giant’s customers to switch to other providers.

Comcast Solves Problems For ComcastMustDie Readers

Comcast Solves Problems For ComcastMustDie Readers

Want to get your Comcast issue resolved? Post it and your account number over The guy who started the blog, journalist Bob Garfield, was interviewed on NPR’s On The Media yesterday and he said that everyone who has done so has gotten a followup call from Comcast to look into their problem. If you look at the people who commented on the post, “Has Comcast Gotten Back to You?” you’ll see a number several people saying the executive office reached out to them (Some people initially say Comcast didn’t respond, but then a few days later write again to say that Comcast had). So, if you’ve got an unresolved Comcast issue, it can’t hurt to give posting it and your account number over at ComcastMustDie a try.

Comcast Encourages Employees To Stuff Comcast vs FiOs Poll

Comcast Encourages Employees To Stuff Comcast vs FiOs Poll

Comcast told its employees to vote in the Consumerist reader poll asking readers what they thought was better, Comcast, or FiOs. Above is the employee email blast they sent, provided to us by several different Comcast employees: Now, we’re definitely more amused than this than anything else, but it certainly was odd. Why would Comcast want to interfere with the torrents of peer to peer opinion sharing? In any event, Fios won, 784 to 277.

POLL RESULTS: Verizon FiOS Is Better Than Comcast!

POLL RESULTS: Verizon FiOS Is Better Than Comcast!

We asked the readers to solve one of the great mysteries of life: Which is better Verizon FiOS or Comcast?

POLL: Which Is Better, Verizon FiOS Or Comcast?

POLL: Which Is Better, Verizon FiOS Or Comcast?

Sometimes we get questions we just can’t answer, and this is one of them.


A Comcast rep called “absolutely ridiculous” the rumor that they might have disrupted a Good Morning America broadcast featuring a Comcast-office-smashing-with-hammer-customer. [Comcast Must Die]

SOLVED: Comcast Charges You For Service You Never Ordered, Threatens To Ruin Your Credit

SOLVED: Comcast Charges You For Service You Never Ordered, Threatens To Ruin Your Credit

After her story appeared on The Consumerist, Allison is no longer being defrauded and threatened to be sent to collections by Comcast to pay for service she never ordered. A rep in the Comcast executive office contacted us, we put them together and the problem got solved.

Comcast: Wanna Pay An Extra $2.95 A Month For TiVo?

Comcast: Wanna Pay An Extra $2.95 A Month For TiVo?

TiVo says that you will soon have the privilege of paying Comcast an extra $2.95 a month for TiVo service (on top of what you already pay for a DVR).

“We are very excited by the emphasis that Comcast has placed on this product within its organization and their plans to aggressively market it at a $2.95 up-charge as well as through packaged bundles and win-back offers,” Rogers said. “Further, we are pleased with Comcast’s plans to promote and market the value of the TiVo experience, which will leverage many of their marketing assets including cross-channel TV.”


Rumor is that when Good Morning America ran a piece about Mona Shaw, the cranky old lady who busted up a Comcast office with a hammer, Comcast subscribers in her home town suddenly found their ABC channel had gone black. [Comcast Must Die]

Comcast Raises Prices In Washington, With A Smile

Comcast is raising its prices in Washington, DC. Basic cable is going from $13.45 to $15.24, Digital Classic $11.96 to $14.95, Digital Premier from $110.10 to $115.45. If a tech has to come out to your home, the fee will go from $19.95 to $29.95. Relocating an outlet, however, dropped from $24.95 to $21.35.Best of all is the charming paragraph on the letter introducing the bill changes.

Is Comcast Overloaded With Last-Minute Orders For The NFL Network?

Is Comcast Overloaded With Last-Minute Orders For The NFL Network?

Reader Dana is trying to order the Comcast Sports Tier in time for tonight’s “Old Favre, Young Favre” battle between the Packers and the Cowboys, but she says she can’t even get Comcast on the phone.

Comcast Charges You For Service You Never Ordered, Threatens To Ruin Your Credit

Comcast Charges You For Service You Never Ordered, Threatens To Ruin Your Credit

Reader Allison wrote her Congressional rep in regards to Comcast defrauding her:

Dear Representative Snyder,

EFF Confirms Comcast Mucks With BitTorrent

EFF Confirms Comcast Mucks With BitTorrent

The elite cyber-squad freedom fighters of the The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) released findings today that Comcast does indeed meddle with peer-to-peer file sharing. They’re also giving away some software you can install to test your own ISP. The FCC still has yet to respond to complaints and reports of Comcast’s interference.

Comcast CEO Hopes His Company's Horrific Reputation Isn't "Universal"

Comcast CEO Hopes His Company's Horrific Reputation Isn't "Universal"

Fortune magazine has an Q&A with CEO Brian “Bad Install” Roberts in which he expresses his hope that Comcast’s reputation for horrific customer service isn’t “universal”:

Lobbyists 1, Kevin Martin 0: FCC Compromises On New Proposal

Lobbyists 1, Kevin Martin 0: FCC Compromises On New Proposal

FCC Chairman Kevin Martin thought he had the support of the two Democratic commissioners when he went forward with a proposal to invoke powers given to the FCC in the 1984 Cable Communications Act. The 70/70 rule, as it’s called, allows the FCC to adopt any rules necessary to promote a “diversity of information sources,” once 70% of households can receive cable and 70% of them subscribe.

Comcast: The NFL Is Trying To "Enrich Themselves" By Taking Games Off Of Free Broadcast

Comcast: The NFL Is Trying To "Enrich Themselves" By Taking Games Off Of Free Broadcast

The moment of truth may be coming in the NFL Network/Cable showdown. This Thursday the NFL Network scored what is arguably the most interesting regular season game of the year (at least in the NFC): The 10-1 Packers vs. the 10-1 Cowboys. The trouble is, not a whole lot of people are going to be able to watch it outside of Dallas and Wisconsin.

Comcast Apologizes For Calling You A Liar

Comcast Apologizes For Calling You A Liar

George, who was called a liar by an ill-tempered Comcast CSR (who didn’t believe that George had been quoted a lower price than the one that was noted on his account) has written in to let us know that Comcast apologized: