College costs are accelerating in price, according to a new study released this morning.

Counter-Marketing Campus Credit Card Pushers
PIRG volunteers are manning booths in campuses nationwide designed to look like fictional “FEESA” credit card stand, BusinessWeek reports, except passing out lollipops that say “don’t be a sucker” and informational brochures about the dangers of credit card abuse. A worthy counter-marketing campaign, though someone should give them some more money so they can give out free tshirts too, and at least match their opponents’ irresistible offerings.

77,552 Of Graduating College Seniors Have $40,000+ In Student Debt
This graph from GOOD and FutureFarmers shows the number of graduating seniors with more than 40,000 in student debt by 2004.
Confessions Of A Campus Credit Card Pimp
Here are two of the things a former Citibank credit card pusher told college students to get them to sign up:
“Even if you apply, you can always cut up the card,” and “It’s easy to pay off your balance once you graduate and get a great job.”
The ex-app jockey even fell pray to his own patter. One signup shy of a cash bonus, he filled out one for himself. Five years later, he’s $13,000 in credit card debt. We encourage college kids who spot these hucksters, make like Jesus and overturn their tables.

Harvard Bookstore: "We Own ISBN Numbers"
The Harvard Crimson ran a story last week about a student who was asked to leave the premises for writing down the prices of six textbooks at the Coop, Harvard’s bookstore of record. The bookstore’s president says that there’s no official policy against students writing down information, but “we discourage people who are taking down a lot of notes.” But what’s more surprising, he tells the Crimson that the textbooks’ ISBNs—which can be used to look up the same books online—are “the Coop’s intellectual property.”

With "Free Pita" Promise, Citi Lures Students Off-Campus To Skirt On-Campus Solicitation Ban
How does Citi get around Syracuse University’s ban against turning college kids into debt sharecroppers? Simple. Pass out flyers saying, “free pitas,” given away at a location just outside the campus boundaries…

Ohio Attorney General Sues Credit Card Marketers Over Ohio State "Free Burrito" Event
Ohio Attorney General, Mark Dunn, is suing Citibank-affiliated credit card marketers for violating Ohio’s consumer protection laws during a “Free Burrito” event at Ohio State University.

Save On Textbooks By Borrowing Them From The School Library…
We always knew one of the biggest scams in college was the school bookstore, but we never realized that you could actually try borrowing textbooks from the library. The blogger behind The Baglady certainly did:

IRS Reminds You To Keep Your Education Related Receipts
When you’re cleaning out your purse or wallet this week, make sure to save your education related receipts because, depending on your situation, you may be eligible for some spiffy tax breaks in April.

Citibank Recruits Students To Become "Credit Card Pushers"
BusinessWeek has been examining one of the fastest-growing segments of credit card debtors, college students. Last week, they profiled a young man from the University of Pittsburgh who was recruited by a Citibank rep, at his university’s student union building, to get other students to apply for credit cards with free t-shirts and lines like “Even if you apply, you can always cut up the card,” and “It’s easy to pay off your balance once you graduate and get a great job.” For every completed application, he’d receive $5-10, and probably a tiny dark spot on his soul.

Bush Will Sign Bill Increasing Pell Grant Funding
In a not-too-surprising announcement after all the recent bad news about student loan firms—and in an apparent “victory” for both Bush and Congress—the White House said today that President Bush intends to sign into law a bill that reduces federal subsidies to those firms, including Sallie Mae, by $20.9 billion over the next five years, and will instead use that money to increase funding for Pell Grants (which recipients don’t have to pay back).

Try Not To Light Yourself On Fire Once You Get To College
According to Consumer Reports’ Blog, the number of fires in campus housing has risen dramatically over the past few years—from 1,800 fires in 1998 to 3,000 fires in 2005.

Facebook Users Hijack Walmart's Dorm Decoration Page
According to Wired, Facebook users have hijacked Walmart’s dorm decoration discussion page, choosing instead to discuss the way Walmart “destroys communities and prevents unionization.” Oh, my!

Are "Customized" Textbooks A Scam?
NPR takes a look at the growing popularity of “customized” college textbooks—textbooks that have pieces from different books sewn together, usually with a chapter or two by the professor teaching the class.

Cheap Textbooks And Other Discounts For College Students
That first trip to the college bookstore for textbooks is a transformative, and possibly scarring, event–for many people, it may be the first time you really understand the phrase “sticker shock.” But today’s students at least have some alternatives, the most popular of which (based on reader comments, articles, and personal recommendations) is Our cousin, a junior this year, writes, “One book I’m buying this semester is 70 on Amazon, but like 25 or 35 on Abe.”

529 College Savings Plans By State
There are two types of 529 plans: pre-paid tuition plans and college savings plans. All fifty states and the District of Columbia sponsor at least one type of 529 plan. In addition, a group of private colleges and universities sponsor a pre-paid tuition plan.
You can learn more about 529 plans at the Security & Exchange commission’s website, and compare them at Keep in mind: Not all 529 plans are the same, some are better investments than others.

Colleges Charging Different Tuition Rates Based on Your Major
Some state colleges and universities have started charging different undergraduate tuition rates depending on what the student decides to major in. Business majors at the University of Wisconsin pay $500 more each semester than do their liberal arts peers. Graduate schools have been doing this for years: Law school and med school tuition tends to be more per term than, say, an advanced degree in comparative literature. But is it fair?

Use This Worksheet To Create A Spending Plan
If you’re not one to budget, you probably spend whatever you think you can afford. This might be more (or less!) than it really should be.