We want to commend hhole for electing himself or herself guinea pig on this morning’s coffee grounds post. Apparently, hhole immediately started rubbing coffee grounds all over his or her body in order to see if it really would work as a facial scrub/hair shiner. (Of course, this only makes us want to come up with some imaginary “use” for, say, kitty litter or corn meal to see whether hhole takes the bait.) Read this intrepid commenter’s first person report below.

A Medium Starbucks Coffee Has Over Four Times The Caffeine Of Red Bull, And Three More Caffeine Facts
The New York Times has a study by the Center for Science in the Public Interest on the health effects of caffeine. The study analyzes various claims made about caffeine, and it also offers a useful chart listing the caffeine content in typical drinks and foods. For instance, at 320 milligrams per 16 ounces, a Starbucks grande coffee has over four times the 80 milligrams of caffeine of a Red Bull.

POLL: 73% Of Americans Think Starbucks Is Overpriced, 21% Are Unsure, And The Rest Were Probably Being Sarcastic
A new survey says that 73% of Americans think Starbucks is overpriced, 21% said they were unsure, and only 6% came to Starbucks’ defense. (We were kidding about that sarcastic thing. Teehee.) The survey also found that the vast majority of American’s don’t go Starbucks for their daily coffee fix:

Pardon Me, Waiter? My "Coffee" Is Actually Hot Soy Sauce
Here’s a bizarre story from Flickr user F1.4. After finishing his breakfast at a “classy” joint in the D.C. area, the server came by and topped off his coffee. When he took another sip…it was hot soy sauce. Bleeccch!

You Starbucks haters out there can rejoice, because the company just posted its first quarterly loss EVAR “of $6.7 million, or 1 cent per share, compared with a year-earlier net profit of $158.3 million, or 21 cents per share.” Store closures and restructuring are to blame, as well as the fact that nobody can afford anything anymore. [Reuters]

This Coffee Shop’s Restroom Policy Is Extremely Subtle
We were talking about pay toilets and restroom policies yesterday, which we can only assume is what prompted reader Stephen to share this photo of a sign he noticed at a coffee shop in Denver, CO. Stephen thinks it’s a “real thirst whetter.” We couldn’t agree more. [More]

Devastated Latte Lovers (Allegedly) Launch "Save Our Starbucks" Campaigns…
The Wall Street Journal would have you believe that devastated Starbucks-lovers all over this nation are launching campaigns to try to save their “beloved” Starbucks. We’re not entirely sure that we believe this based on the single example given in the article, but we’ll play along…

A Complete List Of Starbucks Locations That Will Be Closing
Starbucks has released the complete list of stores that will be closing. You can browse the full list, organized alphabetically by state, inside.

Coffee-Shop Threatens To "Punch" Customer In His "Dick"
What could a customer and a coffee shop be scuffling over that would lead the owner to publicly announce that if the customer comes back in, he’ll “punch him in the dick?” And the customer saying the only way he’ll come back in is with “matches and a can of kerosene?” The right to pour espresso over ice, obviously. The blogstorm began as follows…

A List Of Starbucks Stores That Will Close By The End Of The Month
Starbucks is releasing the list of the first batch of stores that are getting the axe. These stores will be closing by the end of the month.

Starbucks To Close 600 Stores, Cut Up To 12,000 Jobs
MSNBC says that Starbucks has announced that it will be closing 600 locations in the US and could eliminate up to 12,000 full and part-time jobs. Previously, the company had announced that it would close only 100 stores.

Starbucks To Bring Back "Burnt" Coffee Due To Customer Demand
Only a few months after replacing their “bolder” (some would say “burnt”) varieties of brewed coffee with the more “mild” (some would say “dunkin donuts-esque”) Pike Place Roast, Starbucks has announced that due to popular demand, they’ll be brewing some of the old stuff too.

Who Is $4 Gas Hurting? Starbucks!
A survey by Kelley Blue Book says that new car shoppers are giving up Starbucks to help offset the cost of $4 gas. Sorry, big green mermaid lady! The KBB study results reveal that 28 percent of new-car shoppers have stopped going to Starbucks or other coffee houses entirely, and 21 percent indicate they are going less often due to skyrocketing gas prices.

How Much Caffeine Is In Your Decaffeinated Coffee?
How decaffeinated is your decaf exactly? That’s what Consumer Reports aimed to uncover when they sent their shoppers to sample 36 cups of decaffeinated coffee from 6 locations of Burger King, Dunkin’ Donuts, McDonald’s, Seattle’s Best Coffee, 7-Eleven and Starbuck’s near their headquarters in Yonkers, NY. See the results, inside…

Rumors: Starbucks To Launch Free WiFi Tuesday
A blogger who is friends with a Starbucks manager says that it looks like the long-awaited free AT&T WiFi, even if you’re not an AT&T customer, inside Starbucks will launch tomorrow. A few caveats:

Throwing $4 Drinks At Unfriendly Starbucks Managers Is Not Misdemeanor Harassment
A Portland jury recently found Latasha Curry not guilty of misdemeanor harassment for throwing a $4 venti iced mocha at a Starbucks manager who accused her of running a free drink scam. Curry was initially offered a free drink after she complained that her iced tea was too bitter. When she tried to redeem her freebie two days later, store manager Ryan Smith decided that Curry looked suspiciously like a woman who redeemed a free drink from a different store 11 months earlier. Smith accused Curry of running some elaborate drink scam, prompting Curry to serve Smith a free venti shower.
Consumer Reports has decided to weigh in on the new Pike Place Roast. CR once described Starbucks’ coffee as “burnt and bitter,” did the new roast manage to charm their testers? [CR]