
Remix Of Worst Banking Video Resume Ever

Loop this on your video iPod during your morning power runs, or power lifting, or power whoopy-making. Cool points added for not using “Eye Of The Tiger.”

Aleksey Vayner’s Failed Investment Banking Video Resume

Recent Yale graduate Aleksey Vayner sent around this video, along with an eleven-page resume, to investment banks up and down Wall Street this summer.

Eat A BK Octawhopper

The Burger King eat like a snake guy has nothing on this kid who eats eight slabs of meatburger.

Intro to Credit Scores And How They Secretly Control You

The info doesn’t really start until 2:00. Ignore the local morning news malarkey. If you find their hijinks hard to stomach, try this two minute bit by Bob Walters of Quicken Loans.

Deja Vu: Geek Squad Gives Elderly Couple’s Hard Drive to Flea Market

For some reason, we never really pieced it together when we posted about Best Buy’s gremlin-like pilfering of a reader hard drive chock full of personal information, but we’ve previously reported on Best Buy’s practice of selling these reclaimed hard drives.

You’re Driving The Grocery Cashier Insane

In the meantime, here’s whats going on inside his head as he watches you fumble to find your Vons club card.

National Customer Service Week Topped With Nacho Cheese

Charity Sarabosing does got a first place trophy for customer service. And some carts came around to her cubicle and gave her free nachos AND a sundae!!! AWESOME!!!

Burger King Advises You To Eat Triple Whopper Like A Snake

You know, it’s funny. If they had just made this commercial starring one of Burger King’s more gelatinous and rotund customers, they doubtlessly wouldn’t have had to CGI that thin, serpentine Asian man unhinging his jaw. After all, they’re used to not chewing.

You’ll Never Make Copies In This Town Again

Actually, up to the point where the lawyer and the employee start throwing money at it each other, it’s a fairly accurate depiction of both the staff and customers we’ve come to expect at the cesspool that is Kinkos.

174 Minutes On Hold With Blackberry, With Urination

This chick is on hold for two hours and seventeen minutes waiting for a Crackberry rep to pick up.

We Call Up Liquour Store That Allegedly Humiliated Readers Girlfriend

We called up Shannon to find out about The Wine Press policy against humiliating customers. She was very feisty. We told Keith to have his girlfriend call the manager. Actually the most part is the aspersions Shannon casts against blogs.

Extremely Irate Building Manager Screaming For Elevator Repair

Kudos to the customer service rep for remaining completely cool and professional the whole time (a study in contrasts).

Kit: Protect Your PC From Viruses for Cheap

And there you go: that’s how easy it is to completely brick your newly bought PC. Luckily, it’s just as easy to prevent that from happening. So here’s one for the Consumerist Kit: how to protect your computer from viral scumbags without paying a dime. This is only valid for Windows users, the suckers.

Cingular Salesman Attack Each Other With Boxes

The stagnation has gotten so bad that their their salesman are reduced to cruel cardboard box pranks to entertain themselves.

Alton Brown Saves Us Money With Proper Knife Care

The Food Network’s Alton Brown explains proper knife knife care, and how to get the most bang out of your cutlery chums. The video also features some *very* dynamic camera blocking.

Stephen Colbert Versus High Gas Prices

This is a couple years old, but we’re posting it for two reasons: one, it’s Stephen Colbert interviewing his daughter, demonically possessed by Getty Oil. It’s adorable and worth a chuckle.Two, the point the segment makes is as pertinent as ever: if gas stations can lower their prics by thirty cents and find business and profit booming, exactly why aren’t gas prices thirty cents lower per gallon? Oh wait… greed. Right.

Robobar Fights Bartending Cost Efficacy Crimes

The Robobar automatically pours cocktails, beer, wine, juices, and soft drinks. It was featured prominently at the Nexfest consumer electronics expo at the Javits center in NYC today. Reader Chris P. reports that at the end of the product line, a Motoman worker was manually stirring the soft drinks with a wooden stick. When asked why, the man replied, “the water pressure isn’t so good here, so the coke syrup and the co2 aren’t mixing that well today.” Additionally, as the Robobar made drinks, it made sure to tell onlookers, “Robobar only costs 30 cents an hour to operate!”

Upton Sinclair’s Starbucks

Yeesh. Cockroaches scurrying over boxes. Dead mice drowned in the back alley. Scavenger faeces amongst the food stuffs. Little Polish boys found eaten alive by rats when they drink too much beer on the premises. What is this, The Jungle?