
Longs Drug Employee Roleplays Crazy Customer Experience

Guess which one represents which party…

Fabio Solders With The Geek Squad

Fabio Solders With The Geek Squad

Vincent Ferrari Interviews The Consumerist

Vincent Ferrari Interviews The Consumerist

Vincent Ferrari interviewed us a few weeks ago for his new Side Salad podcast. We talk for 53 minutes about exploding batteries, Mike Krempasky, why blogs are neat, and why companies need to listen to their customers better.

Geek Squad City Unveiled, With Fabio

This is a Multivu PR newsreel about the unveiling of Best Buy’s Geek Squad new central headquarters. Geek Squad City sounds awesome. By all appearances, the video is an upload of the footage supplied to TV news stations that helps them from having to do any reporting of their own.

EXCLUSIVE: McDonald’s Promotes Monopoly Game With Flogs

4railroads follows “Stanley Smith,” obsessed with getting all four railroad pieces. The site also boasts a series of cinema verite videos purporting to document Stanley’s exploits.

Customer Pries Rebate From Circuit City’s Clutches

He recorded the call, made in Colorado, a one-party consent state, and uploaded it to YouTube. A slideshow of Colorado scenery plays in the background.

L.A. Vlog Slags TWC Outages

Fed up with the outages caused by the transition between Comcast and Time Warner Cable after the latter bought the former, Orange County resident brainforest recorded a gripe.

Nestle Hires Illegal Aliens, Curses Off Protestors?

In this NSFW video, a man wearing a Nestle contractor card, identifying him as worker 705, curses off a group of illegal alien protesters in a California Home Depot parking lot.

You’re Driving The Grocery Cashier Insane # 2

Before you lay into the baggage boy for not triple plying your groceries, just remember he’s a human too, with wants, needs, desires, and a love of Sailor Moon.

The Consumerist Podcast

The Consumerist Podcast

Hey, now there’s an easy way to keep track of all our audio fun.

Audio: Sprint Waives  Activation Fee If You Ask Nicely

Audio: Sprint Waives Activation Fee If You Ask Nicely

Looks like there’s yet another charge Sprint lets its retail stores charge you that is totally unnecessary.

Catch It… If You Can!

Things sure have changed in McDonald’s since this training film was made in the 1970’s, hasn’t it?

HOWTO: Decipher Food Manufacturer Codes

However, if you can’t remember which can of peas to keep in the pantry and which ones have botulism, this trick can help you decide which cans throw away.

How Fake Models Are Really Made

It’s part of Dove’s “Campaign For Real Beauty” which aims to sell Dove skincare products to a niche audience that thinks it hates these fake models. The lotion is the same as what the “fake” model sells, it’s just in a more “conscious” package.

Dell Curse-Laden Answering Machine Message

UPDATE: New version with more subtitles, better audio and timing.

The Disneyland Sex Orgy

An age-old question finally gets answered: do the costume-wearing Mickeys, Minnies and Goofies at Disney theme parks let off some steam after work by humping each other in a sexy, furry orgy?

Video Of Consumerist On 20/20

UPDATE: Here’s the show transcript.

Stuck In Dell Heck

Frustated by lousy sales support and bad customer service, a faceless hand ineffectually stabs a Dell box with a pencil.