
Razrs Pulled For Connectivity Glitches. No Blood Spilt. Sorry.

Razrs Pulled For Connectivity Glitches. No Blood Spilt. Sorry.

Everyone’s all about the Razr’s “cutting edge” HAR HAR HAR super-thin construction but it looks like they might’ve left something out in the design, as glitches are causing phonecalls to drop.

Cingular’s Server Down Yesterday

Cingular’s Server Down Yesterday

Looks like yesterday’s Cingular dropouts may have been due to a faulty server which had to get a bobby pin inserted into a small recessed button on the backside.

AT&T and Cingular Down?

AT&T and Cingular Down?

Fewer bars in fewer places. According to unconfirmed reports out of New York City, AT&T/Cingular wireless service has been down for 2-3 hours, as of 12:50 PM EST.

Cingular Patents The Emoticon, Tells Nabokov Estate to Go Screw

Cingular has patented the emoticon. From Consumer Affairs:

T-Mobile and Cingular Call Records Available for Purchase Online

T-Mobile and Cingular Call Records Available for Purchase Online

Lest you think your cell phone records were private—even if you are a high-profile candidate for the U.S. presidency—AMERICAblog has proved you incorrect by purchasing General Wesley Clark’s cell phone records for $89.95.

Former Cingular CSR Speaks: “Having worked there I would never do business with them.”

Steve W. is a reformed call center representative for Cingular who wrote in just to share his experiences during the storied Cingular/AT&T merger. If you ever had any reason to wonder why your account might have been screwed up during the transfer, his account sheds quite a bit of light.

I just wanted to drop you guys a line about Cingular. I was until recently an employee, I was a Call Center Rep. for the Northeast Region, thats pretty much everything north of Virginia not including NYC and New Jersey. Also I’m not particularly disgruntled, I left of my own accord for a better position but I thought I would shed some light on the practices that lead to the problems that some of your readers experience.

More AT&T Wireless Customers Boned by Cingular

More AT&T Wireless Customers Boned by Cingular

Since first we spoke of troubles with Cingular, many of you have taken the time to write us with your own stories—especially stories about the troubles since the Cingular and AT&T Wireless merger.

Morning Deals Round Up

• We continue to be baffled by Amazon’s ridiculously low prices on cookware recently, like this Cuisinart Chef’s Classic Stainless 6-Quart Sauce Pot with Lid for just $14. They must have over-purchased for the holidays. [via Slickdeals] Update: Reader Kim L. confirmed that the price is showing as $40 for her. It still shows $14 for us (although they are out of stock). A mystery!

Morning Deals Round Up

• Suzuki is running a test drive promotion for their Grand Vitara SUV that can net you a $25 gas card. Start with this form, go test drive a Grand Vitara at your local dealership (or more commonly, just go ask the manager to sign it for you to save you both wasted time), and mail the form and business card to Suzuki. Hopefully, you have a Suzuki dealer close enough that it won’t take $25 in gas to get there. [via Slickdeals]

Thomas Hawk Chased Away from Cingular’s 3G Service

Thomas Hawk, he of a PriceRitePhoto scandal fame and G.I. Joe name (lucky bastard), details his attempt to sign up with Cingular Wireless’s 3G Laptop Connect service. He’s already an AT&T Wireless customer—now part of Cingular—but the Cingular rep insisted that he ‘switch’ to Cingular so he could use the 3G service. Thomas seems a little baffled by this, but having put in our times in the phone trenches, we can almost certainly say that the rep would have gotten a ‘sale’ on her account had she convinced Mr. Hawk to switch his service.

Morning Deals Round-Up

Consumerist’s insidious corporate nemesis, Walmart, are selling the Firefly DVD box set for $19.2GB Modular “Monstro” Drive – $49.99 at Buy.comMotorola V3 Razr (in black, to perfectly accessorize your anticonformity) is Negative One Point Zero One (-$1.01) over at, as long as you’re willing…

The Limits of Unlimited 3G Wireless Broadband

The internet is all around you, flying invisible through the air, clawing silently at your eyes. Oh, and your wallet. New ‘3G’ cellular data services from Verizon, Sprint, and Cingular are top notch, technology-wise—seriously, we love the ability to have highish speed internet wherever we can get a cell phone signal—but the pricing is a bit out of hand. Wireless nerd Glenn Fleishman takes all three to task specifically for their used of the term ‘unlimited.’