What’s old is new again: Converse has updated the design of its signature Chuck Taylor sneakers for the first time in the shoes’ 98 years on this planet. [More]
chuck taylor all stars

Converse Suing 31 Companies For Allegedly Selling Knock-Off Chuck Taylor Sneakers
You’ve seen them on hipsters, your mom, that girl who lived down the hall from you freshman year, maybe you wear them — the point is, Converse’s Chuck Taylor All-Stars, or Chucks, as they’re known by fans, are worn by a whole lot of different kinds of people. Though once the shoe of choice for mainly greasers, nonconformists and athletes, nowadays the sneaker look is appealing to a wide range of people. It’s that popularity that has other companies churning out knock-offs, claims Nike’s Converse in a new lawsuit against 31 companies for allegedly copying the style. [More]