Thanks to media hype and participation by major retailers, yesterday’s Cyber Monday resulted in record traffic and sales.
Vying For Best Buy Doorbuster Tickets, A “Madhouse”
NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS – Reader Humphrmi reports on how his Best Buy handled demand for the doorbuster deals.
Best Buyers Reward For Working Today: Free Burger King
PINEVILLE, NC – When we reached the Best Buy checkout, we asked the clerk what time they made her get there that morning. “4:30” she said.
Can You Skip Black Friday Lines By Going To The Customer Service Desk?
PINEVILLE, NC – A goodly number of people said that a great way to skip lines at Best Buy on Black Friday is go to the customer service desk.
Kooks Freeze Nuts Off Outside Best Buy Last Night
BEL AIR, MARYLAND – While you were starting on your pumpkin pie, these 20 or so diehards, captured by reader Danny, camped outside Best Buy, trading cold, time and pneumonia for exciting deals.
500 Person Line Outside Best Buy
Thanks to the magic of video technology, we’re able to speed it up. Plus everyone sounds like a munchkin. — BEN POPKEN
Black Friday Hacks Roundup
These tips were good enough for ABC News to pick up from us, so they bear repeating on this, Black Friday’s eve. — BEN POPKEN
Circuit City Is A Douche
Sheridan’s girlfriend hoped to buy him Simpson Season 8 for $19.99 from Circuit City, based off this week’s flyer. She ordered online, only to find herself charged $39.99.
Ohio AG Suing Scammy Gift Card Site
The Ohio Attorney General is suing for using unfair and deceptive methods to take at least $42,000 from at least 250 people. At least one of those people the company bilked was a Consumerist reader, as we reported previously.
Be Prepared For Black Friday
Before embarking on America’s asinine adventure in mob consumerism this Friday, use the checklist inside to make sure you’re ready. We’ve got:
CompUSA Stays Open Thanksgiving Night
CompUSA announced plans to open from 9am to midnight on Thanksgiving night, giving it, and its customers, a jump on Black Friday.
David LaChapelle’s Boots Commercial
Yes, Virginia, there is a true meaning to Christma: looking ab-fab. — BEN POPKEN
HOWTO: Make Black Friday Count
If you like jostling in a sea of shoppers for limited deals and waiting in the cold, Black Friday is the shopping holiday for you! Here’s how to get the most of Friday, November 24.
Best Buy’s Black Friday Ad Up
With the image fidelity of a Sasquatch sighting, Best Buy’s Black Friday Ad has arrived.
Consumer Reports Hates Elmo Too
“The youngest children’s reactions ranged from disinterest to fear.” “Marc, 14 months, was interested in the toy at first, but lost interest quickly, opting instead to dig in the dirt. One-year-old Julia was scared of Elmo and cried whenever the toy was activated.”
Black Friday Ads: KB Toys, EB Games, Fred’s
A veritable turducken of new Black Friday ads: