
Today's Helpful Tip From The FDA: Throw Out Poisonous Chinese Toothpaste

Today's Helpful Tip From The FDA: Throw Out Poisonous Chinese Toothpaste

Remember how the FDA said there was “no evidence” that Chinese toothpaste tainted with diethylene glycol had made it to the U.S.? That was wrong.

Evian Water Rejected By China For Containing "Excessive Amounts Of Bacteria"

Evian Water Rejected By China For Containing "Excessive Amounts Of Bacteria"

118 tons of Evian mineral water has been seized and impounded by Chinese Health Inspectors because it contained “excessive amounts of bacteria.” China has a different standard for bacteria than the one set by the World Health Organization and Evian does not make the cut.

Menu Foods Bullies Pet Owners To Settle Food Contamination Lawsuits

Menu Foods Bullies Pet Owners To Settle Food Contamination Lawsuits

Menu Foods’ latest strategy to become the most hated company since Halliburton has revealed itself in some interesting court papers.

Head Of Chinese FDA Sentenced To Death For Taking Bribes

Head Of Chinese FDA Sentenced To Death For Taking Bribes

China sentenced the former head of the State Food and Drug Administration to death for corruption, state media reported on Tuesday, in an unusually harsh sentence which could be reduced on appeal.

Two Hospitalized After Eating Deadly Mislabeled Chinese Pufferfish

Two Hospitalized After Eating Deadly Mislabeled Chinese Pufferfish

Two Chicagoans have been hospitalized after eating poisonous pufferfish that was imported to the US mislabeled as harmless monkfish. Pufferfish is a delicacy in Japan, but

“Chefs must be licensed and usually undergo at least two years of training on how to safely remove the toxic parts of the fish.

FDA To Test All Chinese Toothpaste

FDA To Test All Chinese Toothpaste

The FDA will test all toothpaste made in China. It was discovered last week that some Chinese manufacturers had been substituting a more costly sugar flavoring with a cheaper, and deadly one, one that is also used in antifreeze. The toothpaste was discovered and sold in Panama.

Chinese Poison Train Declared Unstoppable: Next Stop, You!

Chinese Poison Train Declared Unstoppable: Next Stop, You!

Poison toothpaste, killer cough-syrup, and tainted pet food are the tip of the disgusting iceberg of yuck heading our way from China. Over the past four months, the FDA has rejected 298 shipments from China that included “filthy” fruits, cancer-causing shrimp, and “poisonous” swordfish.

Chinese Poison Train Rolls On: Next Stop, Panamanian Toothpaste

Chinese Poison Train Rolls On: Next Stop, Panamanian Toothpaste

6,000 tubes of toothpaste in Panama have been found to contain diethylene glycol, a poison used in solvents and antifreeze. The poison appears to have originated in China.

Mission Foods, Tyson Foods, Ban Chinese Ingredients

Mission Foods, Tyson Foods, Ban Chinese Ingredients

Two of the biggest U.S. food manufacturers, Tyson Foods and Mission Foods, have unilaterally told suppliers not to use ingredients from China.

Southern States Ban Chinese Catfish

Southern States Ban Chinese Catfish

Alabama and Mississippi have banned Chinese catfish after finding them pumped full of fluoroquinolones, an antibiotic banned by the FDA for use in animals that people eat.

Tainted Chinese Product Was "Wheat Flour" And It Was Also Fed To Fish

Tainted Chinese Product Was "Wheat Flour" And It Was Also Fed To Fish

We’ve decided to take a week off and let the chemical melamine write the blog, because our feeble minds can not comprehend the extent of the contamination that has entered our food supply. Today’s news is that it is not “wheat gluten” that contaminated the pet food that has killed thousands and thousands of pets, but “wheat flour.” What’s more, the wheat flour was also used as food for fish that were meant for human consumption.

FDA/USDA Says Melamine-Fed Pigs And Chickens OK To Eat

FDA/USDA Says Melamine-Fed Pigs And Chickens OK To Eat

The FDA and USDA today jointly announced that swine and poultry fatted on feed containing wheat gluten laced with melamine pose a “very low risk” if you eat them.

Counterfeit Cough Medicine Traced To Chinese Factory

Counterfeit Cough Medicine Traced To Chinese Factory

A Chinese factory was the source of a fake chemical used in medicines that killled at least 100 patients, mainly children, after it was used to make cough medicine, NYT reports in an excellent 7-page investigation.

How To Make A Counterfeit Egg, China Style

How To Make A Counterfeit Egg, China Style

UPDATE: It’s possible this story is a hoax. BoingBoing compared believing it to believing in eBayed unicorns.

China Is Full Of Nasty Food Practices, Like Reselling Discarded KFC On The Street

China Is Full Of Nasty Food Practices, Like Reselling Discarded KFC On The Street

In China, they add melamine to the pet food to make it look like it has higher protein, make “soy sauce” from human hair, soak fish in ink to make their color better, and feed eels birth control to make them longer and more slender. They also pick up discarded KFC chicken pieces from the garbage and sell them at street vendor booths, Shanghai Daily reports.

Manager of Chinese Wheat Gluten Manufacturer Arrested

Manager of Chinese Wheat Gluten Manufacturer Arrested

The mystery of the poisoned pet food continues to unravel as Mao Lijun, head of the Xuzhou Anying Biologic Technology Development Company, has been arrested and is being held “in coastal Jiangsu Province, about 320 miles northwest of Shanghai, though a police spokesman in Pei County declined to say on what charges,” according to the New York Times.

Chinese Frequently Cut Pet Food With Melamine

Chinese Frequently Cut Pet Food With Melamine

The melamine thought to be the cause of dozens of pet deaths is routinely added as a filler to food in China, New York Times reports.

Walmart Pulls Contaminated Frozen Catfish From China

Walmart Pulls Contaminated Frozen Catfish From China

Fluoroquinolone was reportedly banned by the FDA in 1997, but Florida food safety experts officials told CBS-4’s Al Sunshine that it is not an imminent threat to public health and it’s more of an issue of keeping unneeded antibiotics out of the human food supply.