A doctor in California claims that there are real secret agents in the Geek Squad, and that a paid FBI informant turned him in after finding suspicious material on his hard drive in 2012. While the FBI doesn’t deny that the Geek Squad employee did contact them about the contents of the defendant’s hard drive and that they did pay him, the Bureau insists that it didn’t employ informants working in the Geek Squad repair center to comb users’ computers for porn. [More]
child pornography

Defendant: Geek Squad Employee Was Paid FBI Informant, Searched Devices Illegally

When Giving Used Electronics As A Gift, Maybe Check For Porn First
Buying used or refurbished technology can be a great way to save money, but it can also be a great way to put a great big cache of porn in the hands of your kid. That’s what happened to one man who bought his daughter a Kindle Fire from a pawn shop for Christmas. Worse: it might be child porn. Now police are investigating. [More]

Shut Down Google Account Was Flagged For Kiddie Porn…But Not Really
Last week, Google users look on in horror as we shared the story of Dylan, a man who was a huge fan of Google’s Web services until he was suddenly locked out of his account with no warning or explanation. His Twitter campaign had the intended effect, getting the attention of a senior VP at Google who fast-tracked an appeal and got Dylan an explanation and his account access back. So what really happened? [More]
Man Gets 11 Years After Geek Squad Reports Child Porn On His Computer
A man got 135 months in jail and a $10,000 fine after Geek Squad reported the computer he brought in for servicing had child pornography on it.