Given the possibility of theft, damage, and loss, packing your laptop in a checked bag is not a good idea to begin with. Even so, travelers continue to stow their computers and other large electronics in their checked luggage. But that could come to an end, now that the Federal Aviation Administration has urged airlines around the world to stop this practice, citing the fire and explosion risk posed by the batteries in these devices. [More]
checked baggage

Sewage Leak Splashes Hundreds Of Checked Bags At Nashville Airport
Yesterday morning, water from a restroom directly above the baggage handling area at Nashville’s airport leaked through the floor and onto hundreds of bags below. While the water came from a plugged toilet, officials treated it as sewage, and removed 380 bags from Southwest flights that were on the carousel to check for, um, dampness. [More]

Airline Temporarily Bans Checked Bags To Prevent Jets From Running Out Of Fuel
UPDATE: Malaysia Airways has now lifted the temporary ban on checked bags, saying that passengers flying to Amsterdam and Paris can now bring two pieces of checked bags each. [More]

Delta Hit With Another $2.7M In Sanctions In Years-Old Baggage-Fee Collusion Case
A still-pending class-action lawsuit that dates back to the dawn of the baggage-fee era alleges that Delta and AirTran colluded to implement their original fees for passengers’ first checked bags. But Delta has apparently not been terribly forthcoming with all the documentation sought by plaintiffs and has already been sanctioned millions of dollars by the court, including a $2.7 million slap on the wrist handed down earlier this week. [More]

Plane Forced To Return To Airport Because Crew Forgot To Unload Baggage
There are a lot of things on the to-do list whenever a plane prepares to depart from an airport: Passengers on board? Got enough fuel? Snacks and drinks stocked? How about all the checked baggage? Wait, what do you mean you forgot to take care of all the checked bags? [More]

New Legislation Would Cap Checked-Baggage Fees At $4.50
If you go to the airport today and check any bags, there’s a good chance you’re going to pay around $25 per checked bag for the luxury of not having to lug your stuff around and cram it under the seat in front of you. A recently introduced bill in the House of Representatives would not only put a cap on checked-baggage charges, but would slash the current level to $4.50/bag. [More]

Delta Makes 20-Minute Bag Guarantee Permanent, But Still Severely Limited
Back in February we told you that Delta was testing a limited-time guarantee for its SkyMiles frequent fliers — Your checked bags will be at the carousel within 20 minutes or you get 2,500 miles. The airline has decided that the program is worth continuing, but it’s still incredibly restrictive. [More]

Frontier Increasing Checked Baggage Fees By $5 To $10 Starting May 1
A year after Frontier Airlines unveiled an “ultra-low-cost” fare structure including new fees for bags, the airline is once again revising those costs. [More]

Delta Testing 20-Minute Guarantee On Checked Bags For Frequent Fliers. What’s The Catch?
If you’ve been stuck waiting for your bags at an airport luggage carousel in recent years, you’ve probably overheard someone grouse — or maybe done a bit of grousing yourself — that “I paid these guys extra to check my bags; the least they could do is not make me stand around like a fool for an hour.” In an effort to cut down on said grousing, Delta has quietly launched a limited-time test of a 20-minute guarantee for baggage delivery for its SkyMiles members, though there are so many conditions that it may be an empty promise. [More]

That’s The Horrible Sound Of My Vintage Guitar Jammed In Delta’s Service Elevator
Musician Dave Schneider of hockey-themed rock band The Zambonis and Hanukkah-themed band The LeeVees usually carries his guitar on when flying to a gig. You know, so baggage handlers don’t get their paws on it, he can keep an eye on it, and did I mention the part where he doesn’t trust baggage handlers with expensive musical instruments? [More]

Delta Discontinues Discount For Paying Bag Fees Online
Since Delta began charging fees for checked bags — $25 for the initial piece on domestic flights; $35 for a second — the airline has been offering $2-3 discounts to travelers who prepaid those fees online instead of at the airport. Not anymore. [More]

Delta Introduces Online Tracking For Baggage
Next time you’re getting off a Delta flight, you should have a better idea of how long you’ll be waiting for your checked luggage at baggage claim. The airline has introduced a new tracking system that lets users plug in their luggage tag number for up-to-date tracking info. [More]

Delta Increases 2nd Checked Bag Fee To $50
Delta announced today that it’s doubling the fee for a second checked bag from $25 to $50, effective on new bookings starting July 31st for all travel after August 5th. Got a third, fourth, or fifth bag and a lot of money to burn? Fees for those will rise from $80 per bag to $125 each.