
Yet Another Secret Level of Verizon Service You Can’t Have

Yet Another Secret Level of Verizon Service You Can’t Have

George just can’t get a break. First he found out that in order to receive a mailer and get 100 free Anytime minutes from Verizon, he had to receive a mailer. In researching that matter, he found another secret door. VcastVIP. It too was locked.

What Is A Verizon “Merits” Customer?

What Is A Verizon “Merits” Customer?

As we know, it’s someone who eligible to get 100 Free Anytime minutes from this site, which is not a phishing site.

Verizon Does Nice Things, For Nice People

Verizon Does Nice Things, For Nice People

After all these emails arrived chastizing us for sending people to a phish site in hopes of attaining 100 free Verizon minutes, we called Verizon to check it out.

Consumer Pimps Car To Hate Tmobile

Consumer Pimps Car To Hate Tmobile

Wow, this person hates T-mobile so much they plastered it on the back of their car.

Verizon DSL, A Fee By Any Other Name…

Verizon DSL, A Fee By Any Other Name…

Verizon announced in an email sent to customers that starting August 14th, Verizon Online will stop charging the FUSF (Federal Universal Service Fund) fee. This fee cost customers $1.25 or $2.83 a month, depending on their plan. FUSF was a fee “assessed” by Verizon’s DSL suppliers, but since they’ve stopped “assessing” it, Verizon will stop “recovering” it.

Verizon Strangely Helpful

Verizon Strangely Helpful

Verizon is inviting people to call in and get their calling plan reduced.

Man Arrested For Calling Too Many Operators

Man Arrested For Calling Too Many Operators

In a story that would never happen in America, a Japanese man was arrested after making over 37,000 calls to telephone operators because he just enjoyed the sound of their voice.

Clever Gambit For Debating CSRs

Clever Gambit For Debating CSRs

You wouldn’t think that making a cellphone call in your own bedroom would get charged as ‘roaming,’ but that’s exactly what happened to Andrew W. One side of his room is bathed in Sprint coverage. If he shifts to the other side of the bed, all of a sudden he’s roaming, and getting charged for it.

You Pay For the Unintended Consequences of Cell Number Recycling

As cellphone use explodes, the number of times a number is recycled increases. This used to just mean a few “sorry, wrong numbers” but now it might mean a big billing headache.

A Little Word On Cell Phone Etiquette

A Little Word On Cell Phone Etiquette

Dumb Little Man’s got some great tips for decorum and modesty with public cellphone use, which we rewrite for you here.

NONUPDATE: Cingular Wants to Yank Docs

NONUPDATE: Cingular Wants to Yank Docs

Since Cingular legal counsel sent us a note Friday demanding we call and take down some internal documents, nothing has happened. They told us to call. We didn’t call. Instead, we insulted their note. Other sites picked up and popularized the story. Nary a further Cingular peep. Not even a full cease and desist. Sigh. We feel a little left at the altar.

Cancel Verzion By Moving to Cambodia

Cancel Verzion By Moving to Cambodia

UPDATE: We don’t mean to say that you should actually lie to your cellphone provider and do this. In the interest of following up on advice we previously posted, which also appeared in Wired, we wanted to see if this worked. So we gave it a shot.

Old Phone? Cingular Charges You $5 More

Old Phone? Cingular Charges You $5 More

Cingular plans to start charging customers with older model cellphones five extra bucks in order to poke them towards upgrading.

Cancel Your Cellphone By Dying

Cancel Your Cellphone By Dying

Here’s a tip for quitting your cellphone AND avoiding cancellation fees, straight from the mouth of a former wireless call center rep, Davros.


• Internet sales tax is a Communist front. [The Red Tape Chronicles]

Cingular Wants To Yank Docs From Consumerist

Cingular Wants To Yank Docs From Consumerist

Here is the note Cingular’s legal counsel sent us to take down documents we posted. The items have info about how Cingular determines a customer’s “long term value” or “LTV.” This LTV is used to determine how many discounts they will give you to prevent you from cancelling your account.

Cingular Wants Us To Take Their Documents Down

Cingular Wants Us To Take Their Documents Down

We just received a note from Cingular’s legal department.

So You’ve Decided To Join The Army Just To Cancel Your Cellphone

We’ve noted that one “tactic” to leave your cellphone is joining the armed services, and Davros, a former cellphone call rep sent in some rockets red glare to illuminate the particulars.