The Centers for Disease Control knows it’s a delicate task asking your swine flu-infected coworkers to stay home or suggesting that your friends bathe their disgusting children, so they’ve provided a handy, anonymous way to break the bad news.

Swine Flu Household Cleaning Tips From The CDC If someone at your home has contracted swine flu, prevent its further spread by following the advice from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. [Consumer Reports Health]

Passenger On Northwest Last Week Had Tuberculosis
If you happened to be on Northwest Airlines Flight 51 from Frankfurt to Detroit last Tuesday, and you were one of the 17 unlucky passengers who sat near enough to Mr. Fancypants Lung Disease Person, you can look forward to a call from the CDC telling you that you need to get tested for tuberculosis. The risk of catching the disease is low, but the CDC is contacting passengers as a “cautionary move” according to the Associated Press. And if for some reason you do end up with TB, please do not get on any airplanes.

So, Who's To Blame For The Salmonella Outbreak? PCA, The FDA, The CDC…
We know there’s salmonella story fatigue setting in, but this new overview from yesterday’s Senate hearing is the best yet as far as piecing together exactly how salmonella-tainted peanut butter made it into our food supply for such a long period of time, and why it took so long to trace it back to a single rotten peanut plant in Georgia. Ultimately the blame lies with Peanut Corporation of America (PCA) for failing to maintain its factory and for not destroying lots that tested positive for salmonella, but both the FDA and the CDC had a role in it, too. One example: the FDA didn’t even know the plant produced peanut butter or peanut paste until 2007.

There's Salmonella In The Peanut Butter… Again
For the past three months or so, the FDA and the CDC have been working to find the source of an outbreak of salmonella typhimurium that has sickened at least 400 people nationwide. Now the Minnesota Department of Health thinks they may have found the answer in a jar of institutional peanut butter not sold to the public.

Health Officials: We Finally Found Salmonella In A Jalapeño!
Government inspectors finally stumbled across a jalapeño which contains the same salmonella strain (Salmonella Saintpaul) that has been responsible for the recent salmonella outbreak in the United States. Health officials found the offending Mexican-grown jalapeño in a Texas plant. However, there are still many questions which need to be answered.

Health Officials: Did We Say Tomatoes? We Meant Jalapeño Peppers
After causing the tomato industry to lose an estimated $100 million, health investigators have essentially recanted their contaminated tomato theory and have focused their attention on jalapeño peppers. The Baltimore Sun reports that new interviews with salmonella victims have revealed that many of them ate salsa containing jalepeños. Other common Mexican food ingredients such as cilantro are also being investigated, however, no new samples have tested positive for salmonella. Details, inside…
The CDC says several large salmonella outbreaks going back to 2006 were started by tainted dog food. “This is the first time human illness has been linked to dry dog food,” says a CDC epidemiologist. Always wash your hands after handling pet food.

Widow Sues Petsmart For Selling Killer Hamster
In 2005, Petsmart sold a woman a hamster infected with lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus, or LCMV. The woman died of a stroke, and her liver was transplanted into Thomas Magee. He subsequently contracted LCMV and died from complications. His widow is now suing Petsmart. According to MSNBC, the lawsuit claims that “two other people who received organs from this woman died and one became seriously ill.”

Teens Prefer Liquor To Beer, Hate Wine
The CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report claims that teens prefer bourbon, rum, scotch, whiskey, and vodka to beer. Why should you care? Regulators and policy makers use the statistics to develop beverage-specific measures to combat underage drinking, “including increasing alcohol excise taxes and increasing restrictions on the distribution and sale of alcoholic beverages.” The CDC studied high schoolers in Nebraska, Arkansas, New Mexico, and Wyoming, and found the following:

Watch Out! It's Hot!
As you can see by some of the temperatures out there, it’s mighty hot in some places where it isn’t always hot. So, to keep senior citizens like Brett Favre from getting ill up there in 90 degree Green Bay, WI, here are some tips on staying healthy in the heat from the CDC.

Air Traveler With Drug Resistant TB Quarantined By CDC
Drug-resistant TB is both extremely contagious and potentially fatal, and the CDC would like to speak with anyone who sat near a passenger who has since been quarantined with the illness. The passenger was on a May 13, Atlanta to Paris, Air France 385 flight and another Czech Air 0104 from Prague to Canada on May 23.

Your Children Are Fat!
The CDC is saying that the “belly fat” of US Children has grown by over 65% since 1999 . Supposedly, Belly fat is more dangerous for health than overall weight gain, because there is a much closer link between visceral fat (the fat around your internal organs) and serious diseases.