
WaMu: Sorry We Don't Have Your $4200 In Cash, Want A Check?

WaMu: Sorry We Don't Have Your $4200 In Cash, Want A Check?

Maybe we’re crazy but $4200 doesn’t seem like too much money to withdraw in cash at a branch bank, especially if you give them 24 hours notice. Apparently, that large of a withdrawal leaves WaMu all tapped out. Is WaMu really that short on capital reserves?

Radio Shack Won't Accept Cash Without Your Home Address

Radio Shack Won't Accept Cash Without Your Home Address

Reader Tim went to Radio Shack to buy something or other and the manager refused to process his cash transaction without first learning his home address. Tim left the store and dashed off a quick email to us. He let us know he was going to contact Radio Shack about the incident, but felt certain that he’d be ignored.

Bank Of America Stranded Me In Japan Without Cash On My Honeymoon

Bank Of America Stranded Me In Japan Without Cash On My Honeymoon

Before leaving for his honeymoon, Derek called Bank of America to make sure he could rely on his debit card while he was in Japan. Bank of America assured him that he would have no problem accessing money. Yet on the third day of his honeymoon, neither he nor his wife could draw cash from their cards, stranding them with only $15 in cash.

Tell The Best Personal Finance Horror Story To Mint, Have Your Credit Card Balance Paid Off

Tell The Best Personal Finance Horror Story To Mint, Have Your Credit Card Balance Paid Off

Do you enjoy confessing embarrassing details? Mint, the personal finance new kid on the Internet block, is offering up to $5,000 (paid directly to your credit card bill) to two people with the most horrifying personal finance disasters. The winners get free financial counseling as well. You can submit text—”sob stories”—up to 1000 words, or a video—”trainwrecks”—up to four minutes or 20 MB, whichever comes first. If you were paid to do any writing over the past year, you’re ineligible (we already checked).

CompUSA Refuses To Accept Cash

CompUSA Refuses To Accept Cash

A CompUSA cashier summoned her manager and a security guard when Bud tried to pay for his purchases with cash. The promise of 40% discounts drew Bud to the Boisie, Idaho store, but he settled for a 10% discount on an iMac and several accessories.

I start counting out hundred dollar bills and the clerk goes nuts! “Sir, we don’t accept cash for this kind of purchase! You must use a credit card!” she says at the top of her lungs. (I see her also hit a button on the phone at the same time.)

Chase: By Cashing This $9.25 Check You Agree To Give Us $59.99

Chase: By Cashing This $9.25 Check You Agree To Give Us $59.99

Reader Aaron writes in to complain about a “scam” that he can’t believe is legal. Many of you know about this little marketing tactic, and we’ve written about it before, but some of you probably do not.


Should you go cash only to deal with a debt addiction? It can’t hurt. [The Simple Dollar]

Your Cash Isn't Good Enough For Apple's Precious iPhone

Your Cash Isn't Good Enough For Apple's Precious iPhone

Four benjamins will no longer get you an iPhone, now that Apple is requiring credit cards for all iPhone purchases. The new policy, which is billed as an anti-piracy initiative, also prevents customers from buying more than two iPhones per visit. Apple claims the policy went into effect this Thursday, however we received the following tip more than a week ago:

Live Without Credit Cards

Live Without Credit Cards

The best way to escape from our mindless purchase economy is to ignore your credit cards in favor of pure, reliable cash. Credit cards undoubtedly have value – purchase protection, rewards, convenience – but only for consumers who use credit responsibly. No Credit Needed wrote a useful guide for anyone willing to live the credit-free life.

Where To Stash Your Rainy Day Fund

Where To Stash Your Rainy Day Fund

Everybody needs emergency cash reserves for the unpleasant day when your expenses unexpectedly exceed your income. By stashing your reserves in the right place, you should ideally be able to fund your life – rent, food, transportation, utilities, and any other fixed expenses – for at least three months. The Washington Post has a few tips to keep inflation from eroding the value of your pot of emergency cash.

Stash Your Cash In CDs Now

The Federal Reserve Board is expected to cut interest rates soon, and you can bet that banks will quickly follow their lead and slash rates on savings accounts and certificates of deposit. By purchasing a CD now, you can lock in favorable rates ahead of the Fed’s September 18 meeting. From the Chicago Tribune:

“Banks usually are really fast to cut rates and slow to raise,” he said.

Target Tightens Return Policy: No Returns Over $20 Without A Receipt

Target Tightens Return Policy: No Returns Over $20 Without A Receipt

Target is tightening up their return policy according to the Minneapolis Star-Tribune. Currently Target doesn’t allow any cash/check returns without a receipt for items over $40, but in August that limit will drop to $20. Customers who bought their items with credit or debit cards will still be able to return items without a receipt.

Men in Walmart Smocks Steal $300,000 in Cash

    “Police are hunting for some big time thieves this morning in Philadelphia. Two armed men robbed a Northeast Philadelphia Wal-Mart Sunday morning. It happened shortly after 2 a.m. at the store on Roosevelt Boulevard. The suspects were wearing Walmart smocks. They made their way into the store, forced a manager into a safe and duct taped another employee before fleeing with about $300,000 in cash. No one was injured.”

Coinstar’s $2.49 Check Comes Through!

Sweet sweet resolution. Karen griped about Coinstar jacking her for $2.49, a Coinstar rep wrote in wanting to help, and now Karen sends this love note:

Coinstar Wants To Give Karen Her $2.94 Back!

When Karen griped about Coinstar, I came clean: I love those guys. Without the chipper green Coinstar machine at my local Stop ‘N’ Shop, I never would have managed to keep my brain pickled with booze through pretending to earn a philosophy degree at a major ivy league school. Any service that allows me to empty the contents of my vacuum cleaner bag into a slot and walk away with cold, hard cash gets kudos from me.

Monopoly Eschews Cash For Easy Credit

Monopoly Eschews Cash For Easy Credit