
$8 Chocolate Bar Treats Acne, Ugly

$8 Chocolate Bar Treats Acne, Ugly

Chocolate’s miraculous medicinal properties continue to justify the sweet cocoa bean’s direct correlation with depression and suicide: although it may extend the cellulite rotundity of your posterior, at least chocolate won’t put squirting pimples on your fat ass. Or at least Borba’s new “Chocolate Clarifying Bar” won’t.

Hershey Sues Over Candy Book Cover

Hershey Sues Over Candy Book Cover

Simon & Schuster have settled an injunction against them made by the Hershey Company over inappropriate use of the Hershey trademark for the book cover of Hershey : Milton S. Hershey’s Extraordinary Life of Wealth, Empire, and Utopian Dreams, “the story of ‘a gambler, raconteur, despot and servant’.” The settlement will allow Simon & Schuster to keep the strikingly attractive cover to the left as long as Simon & Schuster slap an “Unauthorized” sticker on every cover.