
Cigarettes Start Giving You Cancer Within Minutes, Not Years

Cigarettes Start Giving You Cancer Within Minutes, Not Years

It doesn’t take years for smoking to start the cancer-making process in your body, but minutes, according to a new study in the Chemical Research in Toxicology. [More]

Even Women With Insurance Put Off Mammograms

Even Women With Insurance Put Off Mammograms

A new study reports that even women with insurance are putting off getting mammograms, says CBS News. The study looked at health insurance claims from women and found that nearly 50% of those 40 and older had not had a yearly mammogram — and nearly 40% of those over 50 didn’t even have one every two years. [More]

Laws Of Physics Say Cellphones Don't Cause Cancer

Laws Of Physics Say Cellphones Don't Cause Cancer

Cellphones don’t cause cancer because they don’t emit enough energy to break molecular bonds inside cells, reports Scientific American. “In fact, if the bonds holding the key molecules of life together could be broken at the energy levels of cell phones, there would be no life at all because the various natural sources of energy from the environment would prevent such bonds from ever forming in the first place.” [More]

Cancer Cells Get Fat From HFCS Too

Cancer Cells Get Fat From HFCS Too

It looks like it’s not just our waistlines that are getting larger from consuming a ton of High Fructose Corn Syrup. A new study shows that pancreatic cancer cells find fructose much easier to metabolize than glucose, making it easier for the cancer cells to grow, divide and multiply. [More]

Drinking Coffee Could Lower Risk Of Head And Neck Cancer

Drinking Coffee Could Lower Risk Of Head And Neck Cancer

We now know that coffee doesn’t really help you stay alert, and that the only magic to be found in so-called Magic Power Coffee is a sudden disappearing act. So, is there any good news about the bean? Turns out there is, at least according to a new metastudy, which finds that coffee might help lower the risk of head and neck cancer.

Study Links Popular Blood Pressure Meds To Increased Cancer Risk

Study Links Popular Blood Pressure Meds To Increased Cancer Risk

Because heaven forbid a medicine can do something good without some sort of nasty side-effect, a newly released study claims that a popular class of medications used to regulate blood pressure may also slightly increase the takers’ risk of getting cancer. [More]

Need Sunscreen? Here Are The Ones Consumer Reports Likes

Need Sunscreen? Here Are The Ones Consumer Reports Likes

It’s Memorial Day! There is sunshine out my window, and it’s calling me to come bathe in it! But before I go get arrested for public nudity in the park, I’m going to apply some decent sunscreen that blocks both UVB rays and UVA rays. Consumer Reports tested sunscreens recently and says these are the top 4 products in terms of effectiveness. All of them are sprays, and fortunately the top scorer is also the second cheapest in the entire test group. [More]

Hospital Cleared After Patient Catches Cancer From Kidney Transplant

Hospital Cleared After Patient Catches Cancer From Kidney Transplant

A NY hospital has been cleared in a lawsuit after a kidney transplant patient developed cancer and died after receiving an organ from someone who had the disease but had not yet been diagnosed. [More]

Indoor Tanning Quadruples Risk Of Skin Cancer

Indoor Tanning Quadruples Risk Of Skin Cancer

Think that tanning bed is safer than the evil ol’ sun? Not quite. A new study from the American Association for Cancer Research has determined that frequent use of tanning beds can quadruple your risk of skin cancer. But, hey, you’ll look great, and isn’t that the first step to good health? [More]

Judge Says You Can't Patent Human Genes

Judge Says You Can't Patent Human Genes

A judge just invalidated the patents on two human genes whose mutations have been linked to breast and ovarian cancer. The genes were isolated by a biotech firm called Myriad Genetics, which argued that because it figured out how to isolate the genes outside of the human body then they were patentable. The judge called that “a ‘lawyer’s trick’ that circumvents the prohibition on the direct patenting of the DNA in our bodies.” The company sells a $3,000 cancer screening kit and has maintained a monopoly on the test because of the patents. [More]

Study: Candles May Contribute To Indoor Air Pollution

Study: Candles May Contribute To Indoor Air Pollution

You may want to think twice about covering up that stench in the bathroom by lighting up 25 votives. A new study by researchers at South Carolina State University found that “paraffin-based candles — the most popular kind — emitted toxic chemicals like toluene and benzene.”

Will Nutrasweet Be Banned For Causing Cancer?

Will Nutrasweet Be Banned For Causing Cancer?

The Huffington Post is reporting that new FDA chief Dr. Margaret Hamburg is expected to ban the use of aspartame, the substance in Nutrasweet. Who expects the ban, columnist Samuel S. Epstein neglects to say.

It's Official: Sunbeds Cause Cancer (But Moles Are Far Worse)

It's Official: Sunbeds Cause Cancer (But Moles Are Far Worse)

The BBC reports that there is now conclusive evidence that tanning beds can cause cancer—and not just Tacky Cancer, which makes you look orange, but real live go-see-a-doctor cancer. However, sun exposure and tanning bed radiation both pale in comparison to your mole count, according to an earlier report.


A cancer unit at the V.A Medical Center in Philadelphia “operated with virtually no outside scrutiny and botched 92 of 116 cancer treatments over a span of more than six years.” The team even continued to perform surgeries for a year after a key piece of equipment broke. [New York Times] (Photo: OakleyOriginals)

Pixar Arranges Home Screening Of "Up" For Dying 10-Year-Old

Pixar Arranges Home Screening Of "Up" For Dying 10-Year-Old

We know, that headline just oozes treacle. But it’s for real! The family friend of a dying child cold-called Pixar’s offices and guessed her way through the phone tree to a live person, then pleaded her case: the child desperately wanted to see Up, but was possibly days away from death and too sick to travel or sit in a movie theater. The next day, a Pixar employee arrived with a DVD of the movie and sat with the family while they watched it. Sometimes people can be really decent to each other.

Beware The Radioactive Cheese Graters

Beware The Radioactive Cheese Graters

Ever feel like everything gives people cancer these days? Well, you might not be too far from the truth. A Scripps News investigation found that “radioactive waste is being mixed with other metals in scrap yards and recycling facilities, often overseas, and then shipped into the U.S. in a range of consumer products.” The products include household cheese graters, recliners, handbags and forks and knives, along with fences, shovels, elevator buttons, airline components and building steel. [Yahoo! Green] (Thanks to Liz!) (Photo: Richard Faulder)

Will Ferrell Introduces Sunscreen For Men

Will Ferrell Introduces Sunscreen For Men

Okay, maybe it’s not just for men, but you can’t help but feel studly when you look at the labels for these bottles of 30 SPF sunscreen. And yes, it’s real; apparently Ferrell is pulling a Paul Newman and selling Completely Random Products for charity. In this case, the proceeds go to a scholarship fund for cancer survivors.

Latest Brew-Ha-Ha: Cancer In Your Teacup

Latest Brew-Ha-Ha: Cancer In Your Teacup

Enjoying your piping hot breakfast cuppa? Well, get a thermometer and a timer. Because the latest cancer scare comes in the form of overly hot tea (or other liquids), sipped too soon.