Following Nestlé USA’s announcement that it would be pulling artificial flavors from all its chocolate products earlier this year, the company now says it’s removing artificial flavors and reducing salt by 10% in many of its frozen pizza and snack products by the end of 205. [More]
california pizza kitchen

California Pizza Kitchen Manager Starts Chain Of Kindness That Extends To Corporate
When a family with four kids stopped off to eat at California Pizza Kitchen, disaster was looming. Their 13-year-old son, who has autism, was upset and on the verge of a meltdown in the middle of a crowded restaurant on Valentine’s Day. As the mother dreaded what would happen next, the manager came to her rescue, treating the family as if nothing were out of the ordinary. [More]

DiGiorno And California Pizza Kitchen Pizzas Recalled Because Plastic Fragments Are Not Desired Toppings
People will eat just about anything on a piece of flattened bread and call it a pizza, but most of us draw the line at small plastic fragments. That’s why the Nestlé Pizza Company has issued a recall for some frozen pizzas made under the DiGiorno and California Pizza Kitchen labels. [More]

Woman Sues California Pizza Kitchen For $5 Million, Shocked That Frozen Pizzas Could Be Unhealthy
Sure, you could assume that because it’s illegal for restaurants in your state to use trans fats in the foods they serve, a frozen meal branded with the name of a restaurant chain wouldn’t have trans fats in it. You would be wrong, but you’re certainly free to make that assumption. That’s what a California woman who bought some California Pizza Kitchen frozen pizzas thought, though. Now she’s suing Nestle, the company that makes CPK frozen meals, for $5 million in a class action suit, intending to save us all from the hidden poisons that are actually disclosed on the back of the box. [More]

California Pizza Kitchen To Be Bought By Romano's Macaroni Grill Owners
California Pizza Kitchen, known for such ambitious offerings as the 1,440-calorie Tostada Pizza, will be acquired by Golden Gate Capital, an investment company that owns the Romano’s Macaroni Grill and On The Border chains. The deal is expected to be worth about $740 million. [More]

The 8 Worst Meals (And 1 Dessert) In America For 2010
Every year, the Center for Science In the Public Interest releases their Xtreme Eating Awards list, where they single out the most carb-heavy, fat-saturated, salt-laden calorie bombs available on the market. This year’s round-up of gut-busters covers everything from breakfast through dessert and contains some items that may surprise you. [More]

Wanna Bring A Gun To Starbucks? They're Cool With That
In states like Virginia where it’s legal for gun owners to walk around in public displaying their heat, there are some firearms fans who go out to stores they assume will be unfriendly about their gun-toting ways. But, in spite of its left-leaning reputation, coffee colossus Starbucks has instituted a policy saying guns are A-OK with them. [More]