The TSA has a holiday food travel guide up on its website and the verdict is in: Pies and cakes are OK, but “be advised that they might be subject to additional screening.”

This Walmart Birthday Cake Shows Excellent Craftmanship
Hey consumerist just thought I’d let you and every other customer out there know that Wal-mart sucks at making cakes! It was my daughter’s 3rd birthday yesterday (06.17.07) and my wife ordered a cake a week ago to be made for this date. When we picked it up with a little less than an hour until the party started, we were extremely disappointed to say the least. We complained and they gave us 20% off but that wasn’t enough as far as we were concerned. I told customer service “We shouldn’t have to pay more than half for a half-assed cake” (I just couldn’t resist making a pun haha). All they said was “twenty percent is the most we can give you”. We didn’t have time to get another cake and just went ahead and bought it but we will never buy another cake from Wal-Mart again that’s for damn sure. I mean look at at it, it looks hardly anything like the advertisement! That strip with black lines on it, yeah that’s supposed to look like a film strip. Oh and to boot my wife ordered butter cream filling and they put strawberry instead. Is it really that hard to follow directions and deliver a worthy product? Apparently.
Indeed, that cake is pretty weak. They should probably get rid of the picture if they can’t actually make that cake.

Sam’s Club Sells Styrofoam Birthday Cake
It was only after cutting that Kavalaris realized Sam’s Club sold his mom a Styrofoam birthday cake decorated with icing. Lansing State Journal reports:

100 Years of PR Celebrated With World’s Largest Cake!
Oh jeez, just spotted this [update: wonderful bit of satire] at Strumpette.