
The 5 Stages Of Dealing With Comcast Customer Service Grief

This video is a promotional spot for, your one-stop shop for bitching about the cable-provider. People who submit their complaints over there in the comments along with their account numbers have gotten them fixed.

Service Techs Waste 2.3 Hours Per Day When No One Is Watching

Service Techs Waste 2.3 Hours Per Day When No One Is Watching

Probably the number one complaint we get from readers about cable and phone service is how the guys never show up when they’re supposed to, or even they day they’re supposed to. As roving lone tech support cowboys, is it a case of the mice will play when the cat’s away? Look at how much more efficient field agent service techs got when managers did ridealongs in this McKinsey study. The company was able to recover 2.3 hours of lost productivity and increase jobs per day completed from 6.3 to 8.5. Inside, how the company recovered even more lost productivity by implementing a new dispatch system capable of on-they-fly scheduling…

It's Back To Court For The NFL And Comcast

It's Back To Court For The NFL And Comcast

An appeals court has kicked the Comcast, NFL dispute back down the lower courts where the two companies will have to start all over again in their dispute over whether or not Comcast can offer the NFL network on a special “sports tier.”

Video Of Comcast's Opening Remarks During Net Neutrality Hearing With Seats Stuffed By Company Employees

Here’s a video of Comcast VP David Cohen’s opening remarks during the FCC hearing on Monday, the one where Comcast bused in employees. These employees all wore yellow highlighters to identify themselves to company organizers.

Comcast Stacks FCC Hearing Seats With Sleepy Shills

Comcast Stacks FCC Hearing Seats With Sleepy Shills

Comcast admitted to paying its employees to sit in at a F.C.C. hearing on net neutrality at the Harvard Law School today, depriving angry protesters from their right to sit in those folding chairs. Despite the venue being filled to over capacity, keeping some people from entering, not everyone inside seemed appreciative of their privilege. One Comcast employee admitted on tape, “I’m just getting paid to hold someone’s seat, I don’t even know what’s going on.” According to, the Comcast employees, “arrived en masse some 90 minutes before the hearing began and occupied almost every available seat, upon which many promptly fell asleep.” The stacked audience’s behavior was limited to wearing a yellow highlighter, sleeping during the proceedings, and loudly applauding when Comcast VP David Cohen got on the mic.

Man Gets $35 Service Credit From Comcast By Doing Math In His Head

Man Gets $35 Service Credit From Comcast By Doing Math In His Head

Shaw writes:

I am one of the early adopters of Comcast’s new TiVo service that is being rolled (see: rushed before ready) out in Massachusetts.

Comcast Recommends That You Switch To Verizon, Then Apologizes

Comcast Recommends That You Switch To Verizon, Then Apologizes

Reader Brian sent us this transcript of a conversation that he had with a Comcast rep. He was considering switching to Verizon and was wondering if Comcast could come up with any reason why he should stay. They couldn’t. In fact, Comcast’s CSR “Mike” said: “my advice is to go ahead and switch, and if you find Comacst provides a fast and more reliable service we will welcome you back.”

Small Child Does Accurate Impression Of Father On The Phone With The Cable Company

Reader B writes:My friend, a massage therapist, had this forwarded to him by a client. The kid in the video is her great-nephew. According to my friend, “it’s hilarious that the only thing you can clearly make out is him saying “bullshit””.

Big Ten Network Continues To Annoy Consumers

Big Ten Network Continues To Annoy Consumers

Stop us if you have heard this one before: Comcast and the BTN still don’t have a deal. Nothing has changed since the football season, when many fans were upset at not being able to see the Wisconsin-Ohio State game, which aired on the BTN.

Reach Minnesota Region Comcast Escalation Specialist

Reach Minnesota Region Comcast Escalation Specialist

651-493-5900 option 2

Comcast Apologizes For 4th Quarter SuperBowl Outage

Comcast Apologizes For 4th Quarter SuperBowl Outage

Comcast is working to make things right after 8,000 customers in the North Valley lost their signal in the fourth quarter of the Super Bowl.

New Service Delivers Video On Demand When You Order The DVD

New Service Delivers Video On Demand When You Order The DVD

Cablevision and Popcorn Home Entertainment have announced a new service that lets you watch movies immediately through Cablevision’s set-top box whenever you buy the DVD through their menu system. The DVD is mailed to you, but in the meantime you have the on-demand version for “instant gratification,” reports Reuters.


Cablevision is charging customers $40 to keep their old phone number when they switch over. When questioned, they lie and say they’re simply trying to recoup the number port fee charged by the previous provider. [Consumer Reports via Broadband Reports]

Cable Companies Are Like Bi-Polar Buffet Owners

Cable Companies Are Like Bi-Polar Buffet Owners

An article over at LightReading questions how cable companies can get away with advertising speeds they can’t provide and then using caps to limit people trying to actually take advantage of the advertised bandwidths:

An MSO talking 100 Mbit/s out of one side of its mouth and usage caps out the other is like a bi-polar buffet restaurateur. They continue adding more entrees to an all-you-can-eat spread, and then reduce the size of the plates and tell diners they only have 10 minutes to chow. It’s a recipe for dissatisfaction. The buffet looks bigger and tastier – so the patron’s hunger grows – and then they are asked to practice portion control.


BrightHouse Cable Disconnects Your Service After Too Many "Unsubstantiated Complaints"

BrightHouse Cable Disconnects Your Service After Too Many "Unsubstantiated Complaints"

Reader Jeffrey used to be a customer of Bright House cable. Not anymore. The company disconnected his cable today for “unsubstantiated complaints.” For 15 months, Jeffrey had been trying to get Bright House to fix whatever was wrong with his internet connection. At first they were apologetic, but when tech after tech couldn’t figure out what was wrong, things got tense.

Reach Time Warner Cable's CEO, General Counsel, SoCal Division President

Reach Time Warner Cable's CEO, General Counsel, SoCal Division President

Time Warner: A Tornado Destroyed Your House Our Cable Boxes? That'll Be $2,000

Time Warner: A Tornado Destroyed Your House Our Cable Boxes? That'll Be $2,000

Ann Beam’s Wheatland, WI home was destroyed by a tornado earlier this month. Then a snow storm hit and made clean up difficult. To top it off, she opened her Time Warner Cable bill and saw a $2,000 charge for the 5 (9-year-old) cable boxes and remotes that were destroyed in the tornado.

Repeated Comcast Outages Nearly Cost Reader His Job

Repeated Comcast Outages Nearly Cost Reader His Job

Philadelphia, PA 19102