Here’s a potentially even better idea for protecting your lunch from thieves in the office than the fake moldy ziploc bags. Commenter Snaptastic suggests that you stash it inside a box of “healthy,” i.e. “gross,” food like a Weight Watchers, or, as commenter Murph1908 recommended, a Hot Pockets. [More]
brown bagging

Anti-Theft Lunch Bags Make Thieves Think Your Sandwich Is Moldy
You’ve gone to the trouble of being frugal and making your brown bag sandwich at home, then you open the fridge to discover some scoundrel has snatched it. Now thieves will pass over your food if you put it inside an Anti-Theft Lunch Bag, a ziplock bag with green splotches printed on the side. The bandits will think you sandwich is moldy and move on to the next prey. The website says they’re out of stock, but they don’t look too hard to make at home. [More]

Philadelphia BYOB Google Map
Philly’s BYOB Google Mashup shows what restaurants you can brown bag it in the city of brotherly love. They even show the nearest liquor store!

Chicago BYOB Dining Google Map
Brown-bagging it is a time-honored money-saving tradition for alcoholic nonconformists. Dr. Vino’s new Google Map mashup shows what Chicago-area restaurants let you be a BYOB cheapskate.