After starting in Seattle and San Diego, slowly coming to the parts of the country that face the Pacific, Amazon seems ready to head east. Recent developments in Beantown and our nation’s capital indicate that the massive online retailer seems ready to build new brick-and-mortar stores on the more Atlantic side of things. [More]
brick-and-mortar stores

Job Listings, Tax Collection Give Away Amazon Plans For Stores In Boston, Washington D.C.

Report: Amazon Is Planning Another Real-Life Bookstore In Manhattan In 2019
Back in 2014, Amazon signed a 17-year lease on office space with some retail floors across from the Empire State Building in Manhattan, and that led to delighted speculation that the company might open a real-life store to sell its own products and let local customers pick up their packages. Instead, the office space is just boring old office space. Now, reports are circlulating that a deal for an Amazon bookstore in Manhattan has been or will be signed. [More]

Report: Amazon’s Strides In Apparel Could Be Serious Threat To Brick-And-Mortar Stores
As if retail chains aren’t already having a rough time of it lately, a new report says Amazon’s clothing business could prove to make things even worse in the future. [More]

UPS Survey: Online Shopping Has Surpassed In-Store Buying For The First Time
While there are no doubt innumerable studies, surveys, and reports on the habits of modern shoppers, at least one survey says that consumers are buying stuff online more than they are in stores, for the first time ever. [More]

CEO Equates Bricks-And-Mortar Retail With Sex, Says Neither Are Going Away
While some futurists predict an end to bricks-and-mortar retail shopping, with everyone shopping online and getting their purchases delivered (or 3-D printed) to their homes, there are an awful lot of people who still enjoy the experience of going out to the store and getting their shop on. And one retail tech CEO thinks that, like other human desires, the availability of the Internet can’t fully sate this lust for real-world shopping. [More]