The CEO-go-round at Best Buy continues to spin, as the electronics company announced this morning that it had chosen a successor to CEO Brian “These dishes are” Dunn, who left the company under a cloud of scandal — all while company founder Richard “Don’t call me Sergeant” Schulze moves forward with his bid to arrange a buy-back of the business. [More]
brian dunn

Report: Best Buy CEO Probed Over Relationship With Female Employee
The plot continues to thicken in the story surrounding this week’s sudden departure of Best Buy CEO Brian “I Like My Burgers Well” Dunn. As some had suspected when he stepped down on Tuesday under the cloud of a “personal conduct” probe, new reports claim that the 28-year Best Buy vet was being investigated for possibly misusing company assets while involved in a relationship with a female employee of the electronics retail chain. [More]

Best Buy CEO Resigned Under 'Personal Conduct' Cloud
Earlier today, the retail world woke up to the news that Best Buy CEO Brian “My Job Here is” Dunn had resigned from his position as the head of the electronics retailer. But new statements released by the company shed a bit of light on just why Dunn ended his 28-year career at Best Buy so suddenly. [More]

Best Buy CEO Brian Dunn Resigns
After three years as Best Buy’s top executive and biggest public cheerleader, CEO Brian Dunn has said goodbye to the electronics retailer. [More]

Best Buy CEO: Feedback Is The Gift You Don't Always Care To Open
This afternoon at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, Best Buy CEO Brian Dunn got the chance to talk about the state of his company and the recent spate of reports declaring the beginning of the end for the nation’s largest chain of electronics stores. [More]

Best Buy Responds To Reports That It Is Dying A Slow Death
With a dwindling market share and increasingly public PR fiascoes, electronics mega-chain Best Buy has seen better days. And after the publication of a lengthy Forbes article detailing the ways in which the retailer is its own worst enemy, some have begun the countdown clock until the boys in blue go bankrupt. We would normally expect Best Buy to treat the Forbes piece the same way they would a complaining customer — by looking the other way and going on a smoke break in the back parking lot. But the CEO of Best Buy must have realized that shareholders know how to use the internet, because he’s gone online to respond to the haters. [More]