Big Mouthed BP CEO Says He's Not Leaving

Big Mouthed BP CEO Says He's Not Leaving

Even though it’s keeping him from getting back to his life, BP CEO Tony Hayward says that he has no intention of leaving his post just because his company has dumped a little bit of crude oil into the Gulf of Mexico. [More]

BP Could Be On The Hook For Billions For Violating Clean Water Act

BP Could Be On The Hook For Billions For Violating Clean Water Act

On Thursday BP checked its mail and got a love letter from its not-so-secret admirer, the Center for Biological Diversity, notifying the spill-a-riffic British oil giant that it would be sued under the Clean Water Act. [More]

5 Things BP CEO Tony Hayward Wishes He'd Never Said

5 Things BP CEO Tony Hayward Wishes He'd Never Said

In addition to adding a few million barrels of crude oil to the Gulf of Mexico, BP has another gusher that they can’t seem to cap — the mouth of the oil giant CEO Tony Hayward. Since he’s become minorly famous (and certainly infamous) in recent weeks, the oil industry bigwig can’t seem to shut his big trap. And Newsweek has picked some of his greatest hits. [More]

BP Is Working Very Hard To Keep Reporters Away From Dead Marine Animals

BP Is Working Very Hard To Keep Reporters Away From Dead Marine Animals

According to a BP contractor who took a few reporters on a secret tour of the oil-soaked dead wildlife of the Gulf Coast, the company’s post-oil-spill logic makes perfect sense. Keep reporters and dignitaries far, far away from dead and dying animals, and if they wait long enough, the evidence (i.e. the animal corpses) will wash out to sea. [More]

Design BP's New Logo

Design BP's New Logo

In light of recent events, it seems BP’s “blossoming natural gas flower” logo needs an update. A friendly citizen passing by their station at Crosby and Houston in New York has offered this as their suggestion. If this sets off a brainstorm for you, LogoMyWay is hosting an parodic BP logo redesign contest with a $200 prize. (Thanks to GitEmSteveDave!) [More]

Don't Worry About Oil Spill. Remember: Oysters Love Crude Oil!

Don't Worry About Oil Spill. Remember: Oysters Love Crude Oil!

The growing oil slick that once was the Gulf of Mexico doesn’t appear to be anywhere near resolution, with all attempts to staunch the flow of petroleum thus far having failed and the only solution that experts are sure will work — drilling relief wells — several months away. But as the fishermen in the area fret about what will happen to their livelihoods in both the short and long term, we found some video evidence that should quell the concerns of those in the oyster biz. [More]

Show Your Support For BP By Filling Up At ARCO, AM/PM

Show Your Support For BP By Filling Up At ARCO, AM/PM

Since BP is doing such a great job cleaning up that oil spill, it’s only right that consumers show their support for the quicker, thicker picker-uppers by bringing their business to subsidiaries ARCO and AM/PM, and greasing the wheels with BP’s Castrol Motor Oil. [More]

Costumed Sea Creatures Occupy NYC BP Station

Costumed Sea Creatures Occupy NYC BP Station

A gaggle of costumed sea creatures plan to occupy the SoHo BP station in NYC tonight at 6pm to protest the company’s response to the oil spill. However, while the threat of makeshift sea turtles descending on Houston and Lafeyette is wonderful to contemplate, because BP stations are independently-owned, only the local business owner will be harmed by the disruption in commerce. Media points against BP will be harder to score. This particular station is a mecca for taxi cab drivers in the area, who will most likely find any difficulties in getting gas on a busy holiday weekend night to be less than hilarious. UPDATE: Local news coverage: [More]

Watch Out For Oil Spill Cleanup Investment Scams

Watch Out For Oil Spill Cleanup Investment Scams

In a joint statement from the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) and the Securities and Exchange Commission, investors have been warned today about the possibility of investment scams being operated by companies claiming to be involved in the massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. [More]

BP Oil Spill More Like 12,000-19,000 Barrels Per Day

BP Oil Spill More Like 12,000-19,000 Barrels Per Day

First BP told us 1,000, then 5,000, and now a joint federal and independent research task force estimates that 12,000 to 19,000 barrels of oil were spewing into the Gulf since the crisis began, NYT reports. If the numbers are right, then we’re talking about as much as 30 million gallons. That would be more than 3x the amount from the Valdez disaster. [More]

Oily Gulf Seafood Will Literally Be Sniff Tested By Expert Smellers

Oily Gulf Seafood Will Literally Be Sniff Tested By Expert Smellers

Oil from the explosion of Deepwater Horizon is flooding the waters of some of the most productive coastal fishing areas in the world, says ABC News, so how will the FDA ensure that no oily fish make it into the food system? They’re gonna smell it. With their noses. [More]

"Top Kill" Seems To Be Working, Says US

"Top Kill" Seems To Be Working, Says US

BP’s latest efforts to fix the oil spill seem to be actually stopping the geyser of oil, the Coast Guard cautiously announced this morning. The final word isn’t in yet, but might something in the Gulf might be going right for once? I dare not even utter hope’s name. [More]

BP Starts Operation "Top Kill," Watch It Live

BP Starts Operation "Top Kill," Watch It Live

BP has started operation “Top Kill,” and we’ve embedded here the live videostream of their latest attempt to plug the well. The maneuver involves pumping heavy drilling mud and cement into the well. While routine on surface wells, it’s never been attempted at 5,000 ft underwater. And if it goes south and the blowout preventer cracks under the pressure, it could make matters worse. Bust out the popcorn! I just saw a robot arm! [More]

Aquarium Will Probably Want To Find New Sponsor For This Exhibit

Aquarium Will Probably Want To Find New Sponsor For This Exhibit

Or not, if they enjoy being famous on the internet. [More]

Satirical BP Twitter Account Has More Followers Than Real One

Satirical BP Twitter Account Has More Followers Than Real One

A fake BP PR twitter account, BPGlobalPR, has started posted satirical tweets about the company’s response and attitude to the oil spill, and it has more followers than of the real BP Twitter accounts combined. And why not? Would you rather read, “BP Pledges $500 Million for Independent Research into Impact of Spill on Marine Environment” or “Doing our best to turn oil into oilinade. So far the stuff tastes TERRIBLE.” [More]

Whoops: New Florida Airport Opens 100 Miles Away From The Oil Spill

Whoops: New Florida Airport Opens 100 Miles Away From The Oil Spill

Bad timing. A new international airport opens up in Panama City, Florida today — only 100 miles away from the notorious BP oil spill off the coast of Louisiana. Instead of celebrating, the area’s visitor’s bureau is trying to convince tourists that the water is still clean. [More]

Gulf Oil Spill Oil Reaches Loop Current

Gulf Oil Spill Oil Reaches Loop Current

The NOAA announced that a “small” amount of oil from the BP oil spill has reached the Loop Current, a warm Gulf current that passes through east to the Florida Straits and could spread any oil up the East Coast. [More]

Tarballs Hit Key West

Tarballs Hit Key West

Key West park rangers found 20 3 to 8-inch tarballs Monday that had washed up onto the shores. Tarballs are blobs of oil that become weathered after travelling through the ocean. [More]