boomerang kids

Banish Boomerang Kids And Reclaim Your Home

Banish Boomerang Kids And Reclaim Your Home

Last week we talked about reasons twentysomethings don’t need to be afraid to live at home for a few years before they launch their careers. Now we’ll to look at the other side of the coin, at long-suffering parents who aren’t happy that their grown children still live with them. [More]

Why You Don't Need To Be Ashamed Of Moving Back In With Your Parents

Why You Don't Need To Be Ashamed Of Moving Back In With Your Parents

Few are proud to carry the stigma of a “boomerang kid” — someone who moves back in with their parents after failing to make ends meet on their own. But the move makes a lot of financial sense, and could serve as a springboard that can get boomerang kids off to a flying start when they head back out into the cruel world. [More]

The Benefits Of Being A Boomerang Kid

The Benefits Of Being A Boomerang Kid

It used to be OK to mock adults in their 20s and 30s who went back to live with their parents after that whole living-on-their-own thing didn’t work out so well. But because the brutal job market has no doubt made the situation more common, these days the act of boomeranging back home is a dead-serious survival maneuver rather than a sign of arrested development. [More]