
Cheap Book Explores The High Cost of Discount Culture

Cheap Book Explores The High Cost of Discount Culture

A new book out by Ellen Ruppel Shell, Cheap: The High Cost of Discount Culture, is getting all kinds of rave reviews. Shell takes as her argument a rather counterintuitive idea: that cheap goods and services are anything but. One dollar t-shirts end up costing a lot more when you factor such purchases’ ripple effects.

New Book: Poorly Made In China

New Book: Poorly Made In China

Want to know how that lead got into your kid’s toys? Why brand-name goods come in containers that fall apart. Or how radioactive cookery ended up on store shelves? A new book out by Paul Midler, Poorly Made In China, promises the inside scoop on why products made in China are as shoddy (and often as dangerous) as seemingly possible.

Murder Me Elmo II: “Who Has To Die?”

Murder Me Elmo Update! Turns out this story was just another cock tease, as Elmo is really just saying “Who has to go?” not “Who wants to die?” Or so the company insists: