How desperate are department stores to get shoppers in the door and spending money? Chains including Lord & Taylor, Macy’s, and Bloomingdales are taking the unusual step of actually discounting their cosmetics, trying to get back prestige cosmetics sales that have drifted to cosmetics-only stores like Sephora and Ulta. [More]

Bloomingdale’s Clerks Want Commissions On Showrooming, In-Store Pickup Sales
When a store employee helps you, and you go on to make your purchase from the same retailer’s website, should that employee receive a commission? The union representing clerks at the flagship Bloomingdale’s store in New York City says that they should, even if it isn’t clear on exactly how that would happen. [More]

From Cash Registers To Escalators To Shopping Carts: 11 Important Firsts In Bricks-And-Mortar Retail History
These days you can shop from the comfort your couch in your soft pants, ordering up a flat of cat food, paper towels, and a smartphone with one click. So it’s easy to forget that once upon a time shopping at retail stores wasn’t a necessary evil, but an “experience” that many of us actually enjoyed. [More]

Macy’s, Bloomingdale’s Accused Of Inflating “Original” Prices To Make Discounts More Attractive
Over the past several months, consumers have sued a number of retailers accusing them of advertising “false” original prices on discounted or outlet merchandise. Joining a list that includes Kohl’s and Kate Spade are Macy’s and Bloomingdale’s. [More]

Bloomingdale’s Apologizes For Ad Suggesting You Should Secretly Get Your Friend Drunk
You know what’s kind of funny and cute? In the movies when two best friends are standing near a punch bowl at a lame party and they’re like, haha, let’s put some whiskey in our punch glasses to liven this thing up. You know what some people find not so adorable? A retailer suggesting you get your friend drunk without them knowing it by spiking the egg nog, possibly so you can take advantage of said friend. Cue an apology from Bloomgindale’s. [More]

Macy’s, Bloomingdales To Offer Same-Day Delivery In 8 Markets
If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em… Even better yet, join ’em and then do it faster. That seems to be the idea behind Macy’s announcement today that it and its upscale cousin Bloomingdale’s will be launching same-day delivery service in eight markets later this fall. [More]

Bloomingdale’s Doesn’t Want You Returning That Dirty Dress After The Party’s Over
While it’s a blessing for many shoppers that some retailers have very forgiving return policies, other customers have stretched companies like Bloomingdale’s to the limit with the practice known as “wardrobing”: Buying an item of clothing, wearing it once and then returning it with the tags still on. It’ll be a lot harder to do that at Bloomie’s soon, unless your idea of a party outfit is showcasing large, plastic tags on your garment. [More]

Bloomingdale's Diesel Toddler Rain Boots Want You To Die
Jennifer writes in with these amazing Diesel toddler’s rain boots that, due to the angle of the photograph, appear to just say “DIE” in purple paint. [More]

VIDEO: Stores Caught Restocking Used Underwear & Lingerie
We try not to be too paranoid about the cleanliness of things we purchase. We’ll purchase used books, buy vintage clothing, drive pre-owned cars. But the “Ick Factor,” as it’s known in the world of science, jumps off the charts when it comes to used undies. But that’s exactly what NBC claims to have discovered at several retail stores. [More]
Mark Your Calendars: Massive Cosmetics Giveaway Set For Inauguration Day
Americans face a tough choice Tuesday morning: watch Barack Obama’s historic inauguration, or storm department stores to take advantage of a first-come, first-serve cosmetics giveaway worth $175 million.

Get Your Expired Bloomingdale's Gift Card Balance Restored
Pam had a Bloomingdale’s gift card that went unused for a couple of years, and when she tried to spend it last weekend, she was told it had expired. Pam found a way to get the balance restored fairly quickly, though. If you’ve got a card from before February 2008, try Pam’s advice below.

Bloomingdale's Sends You To A "Collection Agency" Over $5.00
Reader Haven accidentally underpaid a Bloomingdale’s credit card bill by $5, and so it was off to the collection agency…

Bloomingdales Employee Charged In Bogus Gift Card Scam
The Manhattan District Attorney’s office is prosecuting a Bloomingdale’s salesperson for running a month-long bogus gift card scam that netted $34,515 from the store, says the NY Sun.
It says Bloomingdale’s sales receipts were the key element of Ms. Ng’s alleged scheme.

6 Major Retailers Selling Real Fur As "Faux"
Six big retailers are selling jackets advertised as having “faux” fur, but the fur is actually from real animals. It’s not only mean, it’s a violation of the federal Fur Products Labeling Act. An investigation by the Humane Society of The United States * found jackets sold at Saks, Neiman Marcus, Lord & Taylor, Dillards, Yoox and Bloomingdales containing the faux “faux” fur. Much of the world’s fur is processed in China, a place where they skin animals alive for their fur.

Hell In A Bloomingdale's Handbag Turns To Heaven, But It Takes Steering
Jack was trying to replace the second of two defective Kate Spade handbags from Bloomingdale’s.

Reach Bloomingdale's Executive Customer Service
If you’re unable to resolve your Bloomingdale’s issue by going through regular customer service, try this executive customer service info.