Getting a mortgage modification has been hard enough for homeowners, what with disorganized big banks not having enough well-trained people on staff to deal with the necessary ins and outs of the process. But a new study says that things should’ve been easier under the Home Affordable Modification Program and resulted in 800,000 fewer foreclosures than we ended up with. [More]
blame game

King Soopers: Man's "Popcorn Lung" Condition Came From Carpet Cleaning Chemicals, Not Snacking
A man in Colorado is claiming in a lawsuit against grocery chain King Soopers that there is indeed, a condition called popcorn lung, and he’s got it after eating microwave popcorn from the store. He says King Soopers should’ve warned him that an ingredient in the popcorn’s butter flavoring called diacetyl could be dangerous. However the chain’s lawyers say his health issues aren’t due to an overabundance of the snack, but because he worked with cleaning chemicals for years. [More]

AT&T Network Blame Game Takes Weird "It's Apple's Fault" Twist
Last week AT&T, in yet another of a string of PR failures about the health of its network, made things even worse by publicly blaming its customers for, you know, being customers. Over the weekend, though, a new thread was introduced into the narrative: it’s the iPhone’s fault. Not because it’s too popular, which has been the old complaint, but because the hardware doesn’t work right, and AT&T can’t say anything about it for fear that Steve Jobs will reach down through the clouds and smite them.
That sounds pretty tragic and sad for AT&T, but the problem is nobody knows if it’s true, or if this is yet another strategy to shift the responsibility from AT&T.

Who are the 25 People Most Responsible For the Financial Crisis?
Time wants to know who you think is most to blame for the current financial fiasco. They have a neat community polling application that lets you rate people by their guilt or innocence. Currently at number one: Phil Gramm, chairman of the Senate Banking Committee from 1995 through 2000. Congratulations, Phil! Or, not.

RESULTS: Blame Game Poll
Here’s the numbers from last week’s poll. Very interesting that customer ignorance rated so high.
Blame Game Poll: Overarching Cash Register Sentiments
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