It can be increasingly difficult to tell when a company is advertising their products and when they’re just trying to relate to potential customers. Comcast is apparently combining those two things with a new short-form series that follows a couple who get “Glued” to a TV show, that is in reality just one big commercial for the company. [More]
binge watching

Netflix Binge Scale Reveals Which Shows Turn Us Into Unmoving Couch Potatoes
We’ve all got them, those shows that have the power to keep us glued to our couches, in front of a screen, watching each and every episode available until it feels like nothing else exists. Netflix knows it too, and has released a new Binge Scale that it says reveals which programs we’re most likely to sacrifice our social lives to. [More]

Netflix Knows The Exact Moment You Get Hooked On A TV Show
“I know, it starts out slow, but if you can just get through a few episodes, I swear, it’s totally worth it and you will be addicted. Just trust me.” We’ve all heard something like that before, and now Netflix is repeating it, with a list that pinpoints the exact episode its users get hooked on a TV show. [More]

Hawaii Blocking State Workers From Streaming Video Services To Prevent On-The-Job Binge-Watching
Listen, we’re not here to judge you over how many hours you spent locked in a dark, air-conditioned room this weekend in front of a TV emitting a constant stream of entertainment. But once it comes time to go to work, the binge must end. Hawaii is taking steps to make it difficult for state workers to spend too much time on Netflix and Hulu, blocking those services so employees don’t waste time watching Cheers/Doctor Who/Friends from start to finish. [More]

Hulu Doesn’t Want You To Binge-Watch Its New Exclusive Shows
If you’re still a bit bleary-eyed because you stayed up late watching all of the Wet Hot American Summer prequel show on Netflix last night, you’re apparently not the target consumer for Hulu, which has announced that its original program will be meted out in weekly portions. [More]

Here Are The Most Ridiculously Long Binge-Watches Available For Anyone With 200+ Hours To Kill
If you’re like us, you like your TV. Sure you do! But let’s say you’ve been busy: you’re all caught up on the big prestige dramas. There are no secrets or spoilers left for you in Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, or Orphan Black. There’s a TV-shaped void in your life to fill, and endless reruns on cable just aren’t cutting it. You need something that can really occupy your time. Not just a few hours, but days. Weeks. You have months to kill, and you need something to binge-watch right now. And lots of it. [More]

You’re Not Alone In Binge Watching: Half Of Netflix Users Finished Shows Within One Week
It’s not just you and your friends exchanging stories of That One Time I Spent Three Straight Days Watching An Entire Season Of Breaking Bad To Catch Up Before The Finale. Everyone does it, or at least, about half of the users Netflix studied are binge watching as well. [More]

Keep Entertained While Trapped With Your Family This Weekend
Don’t want to spend Thanksgiving weekend watching football with cousin Sally or you can only listen to your brother’s new Tuvan throat singing album a few dozen times before it starts to sound repetitive? Then it’s time to take your phone/tablet/laptop/Omnitool into the room that used to be yours before your mom turned it into her office/photography lab, and binge-watch your way through the weekend. Thankfully, the good people at have put together this handy list of older TV shows that will help you pass the time. [] [More]