The next time you ask Siri a question or look for something using Apple’s Spotlight feature, the web results you see will be from Google search, instead of Bing. [More]

Burned By Too Many Scams, Microsoft Bans Tech Support Ads In Bing Search Results
Imagine if an entire section of the phone book (remember those?) was dominated by fake companies and scam artists. You’d hope the phone book people would wise up and get rid of that section. That appears to be Microsoft’s way of thinking as it bans tech support ads from its Bing search results. [More]

CFPB Asks Google, Bing & Yahoo To Help Stop Student Loan Debt Scams That Imply Affiliation With Feds
The Internet is teeming with scammers, fraudsters, and hustlers determined to part consumers from their money, and as a $1.2 trillion venture, student loans often present an attractive avenue for these ne’er-do-wells. In order to better protect individuals from such schemes, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is enlisting the help of the country’s major search engines. [More]

Google, Bing To Block Search Result Ads For Unlicensed Payday Lenders In California
Government officials in California found a few unlikely allies when it comes to ensuring online payday lenders aren’t illegally advertising their services to residents online: The nation’s top search engine providers. [More]

Bing Adds The Option To Search The Internet With Emojis
For all those moments when the words escape you and you’re thinking strictly in pictures, search engine Bing announced this week that it’s launching a new option to cruise for answers on the Internet using emojis. [More]

FTC To Search Engines: Do A Better Job Of Labeling Paid Search Results As Ads
A decade ago, the Federal Trade Commission told the major Internet search engines that they should be more transparent about search results that received premium placement because the advertiser paid for it. The companies eventually obliged, but the FTC says that search engines have backslid and begun being less-than-transparent again, and that they could still do more to distinguish between ads and organic search results. [More]

Microsoft To Offer Ad-Free Version Of Bing For Schools
While both Google and Microsoft’s Bing search engines have “safe search” options intended to let younger school children research reports on things like “backyard drilling” without getting results that might require a lot of awkward explanations from their parents, neither had offered an ad-free version. But in the fall, Microsoft will launch “Bing for Schools,” which promises not to invade our schools’ libraries with advertising. [More]

Apple & Amazon Top This Year’s Brand Loyalty Survey, Blackberry Hangs On In Last Place
If there’s anything we want from our products and the brands that provide them, it’s love, true love. Well, maybe not quite that level, but according to the most recent Brand Keys Loyalty Leaders List, we consumers are craving an emotional connection to brands. And when they fill that special place in our hearts, they earn our loyalty. [More]

Microsoft Asks Google To Censor Bing, U.S. Government In Automated DMCA Takedown Notices
Out of the five million DMCA takedown requests Microsoft filed with Google last year, there are probably plenty of legitimate ones involving copyright infringement and protected content. But then there are the automated requests to censor sites like BBC, CNN, HuffPo, TechCrunch, Wikipedia and a bunch of others, including its own search engine, Bing. Whoops. [More]

Bing Beats Out Yahoo To Claim Distant No. 2 Search Engine Spot Behind Google
When you’re trudging up a mountain with not even a glimpse of the summit, and all you know is that you’re really, really far behind the guy in the lead, it might be nice to know that hey, at least you’re in second. Bing can claim that status now in the search engine world, as it has surpassed Yahoo to sit a distant second to Google. [More]

Will Xbox TV's Voice & Motion Controls Actually Revolutionize TV Watching?
Starting tomorrow, an update to the Xbox 360’s dashboard will integrate its Kinect motion/voice-detection system and Microsoft’s Bing search engine in the hopes of creating a truly hands-free entertainment experience. But does it work? [More]

Bing Airport Maps Help You Find Overpriced Coffee While Waiting For Your Flight To Be Cancelled
Some people really enjoy exploring airport terminals. They find a thrill in getting to know every newsstand, bar, food court and sandwich kiosk. For the remaining 99.9% of us, we just go to whatever is closest and hand over a pile of cash for a small bottle of water. But last week, Bing introduced a new feature on its maps search that helps users navigate the concourses of more than 40 U.S. airports. [More]

Yahoo To Hold Onto Your Search Data For At Least 18 Months
Since 2008, Yahoo has made it a point of pride that the company only retains info about users’ search engine queries for three months, while competitors like Google held onto the data for over a year. But that’s about to change, as the internet biggie announced yesterday that, in a bid to remain competitive, it will retain search history info for at least 18 months. [More]

Bing, Google Both Gain Search Engine Market Share As Yahoo Fades
Microsoft’s Bing continues to carve out a spot for itself in the search engine market, but it can’t seem to make up much ground against Google, which matched its gains from February to March, according to one report. [More]

Verizon Reportedly Forces Smartphone Users To Exclusively Search Via Bing
Readers and news reports say Verizon has pushed out a smartphone update that has made Bing its exclusive search application thanks to a rumored half-billion dollar deal between Microsoft and Verizon. [More]

Microsoft Trying To Buy Its Way To Search Supremacy
Microsoft wants to pay Newscorp to de-index its stories from Google, giving Bing a leg-up in searches. [More]

HP Refuses To Make Good On $100 Cash Back Promise, Won't Explain Why
David is trying to reach HP executive customer service. He wants to find out why they reversed the $100 cash back offer they’d originally extended through a promotion with Microsoft’s new search engine Bing, and why the only reasons they’re giving him are either inapplicable or demonstrably false.