The clock is ticking on Best Buy founder Richard Schulze’s bid to buy back the retailer. He has until Sunday to present his offer to the company’s board, and he’s reportedly just about ready to do so. [More]
best buy

Best Buy Can’t Actually Find Your Reward Zone Certificates For You
David had some rewards certificates from Best Buy available, and they happen to have the BluRay version of the movie “Rudy” in stock for only $7.99. In theory. The disc was actually marked $19.99, but rang up at $7.99, because nothing in life or at Best Buy is ever simple or straightforward. Great, so they straightened that out: now, could they pull up his certificates from within the store? Of course not. [More]

Best Buy No Longer Wants Customers Contacting It By E-Mail
Best Buy has never been the best at dealing with customer e-mails, but rather than invest in improving that facet of customer service, the retailer has decided to pull the option from its contact form on its customer service page. [More]

Best Buy Sends Me Wrong Microwave, Promises To Come Swap It Out, Doesn’t Show
This is an exciting but stressful time for Terry’s family. His wife is pregnant, and they also just bought a new house. They ordered new appliances: matching stainless steel items for the kitchen, including one of those space-saving microwaves that goes over the stove. Best Buy technicians delivered and installed the bigger appliances, and the microwave arrived on the doorstep a few days later. It was the wrong color. That’s where Terry’s battle with Best Buy began. [More]

Hey, Best Buy Also Sent Me Five iPads When I Only Ordered One!
As our post from last night about Best Buy’s five-for-one iPad deal burned up the Internet, some people wondered whether this had happened to anyone else out there. No, that couldn’t be: this is an expensive mistake. It can’t happen all the time. Then we heard from Nick, who has four spare iPads stashed in his closet, waiting for Best Buy to come back for them. [More]

My Mom Ordered One iPad And Best Buy Sent Five
Alexa’s boyfriend got an iPad for Christmas from his mother. Well, that’s not quite true. His mother ordered one iPad, and had it shipped to him. What arrived on their doorstep was a very large and heavy box that was big enough to hold five iPads. Because it did. [More]

These Best Buy Customer Service E-Mails Would Be Hilarious If They Weren’t Real
On Thanksgiving, Consumerist reader Tom tried to buy a TV combo deal from Best Buy. This was just the beginning of a trip through a parallel universe where orders turn into ghosts that charge your credit card and customer service reps repeatedly use the phrase “Good day!” while reminding you of your duty to check more frequently. [More]

No One At Best Buy Actually Wants To Sell Me An Xbox
In the last year, Best Buy has been attempting to market itself not just as a place to go to purchase electronics, but as a store where you’ll find helpful and informed employees. That’s not exactly the impression one Consumerist reader got after his last visit to the store. [More]

Going On A Family Shoplifting Spree Shouldn’t Count As Spending Quality Time Together
Spending quality time with the family is one of the basic tenets of the holidays, although we’re pretty sure it’s not in the spirit of the season to take that family act on a shoplifting spree. Cops say a mom recruited her two kids in a scheme to swipe $4,500 in merchandise from Best Buy, Kohl’s and Target recently. That’s one way to make sure you get everything on your wish list, albeit a very illegal one. [More]

Best Buy Employee: We’re Not Always Trying To Upsell You Credit Cards And Warranties
Over the summer, a handful of Best Buy employees wrote in with tales of mismanagement that didn’t paint the rosiest picture of what it’s like to work at the store. But one woman who works at Best Buy says you can’t judge all the stores based on a few stories about bad ones. [More]

Why I Left Best Buy After Waiting In Line For Two Hours On Black Friday
Like many people in his Connecticut town, Consumerist reader RC thought he would pop by Best Buy when it opened at midnight on Black Friday to see if he could land a deal. But either the store management grossly underestimated how many customers would show up or they have no idea how to manage the checkout process. [More]

Best Buy Website Runs Ads For Competing Websites
Lots of large websites run Google ads in order to generate a bit of cash without having to actively sell an ad module. But the folks at Best Buy might want to rethink this strategy, as many of the Google ads on are linking to deals at competing e-tailers. [More]

Best Buy Online Sale Shows Company Not Quite Ready To Become E-Commerce Powerhouse
Last week, new Best Buy CEO Hubert Joly said the company needs to make online sales a priority, as the retailer continues losing market share to e-tailers like Amazon and Newegg. But if this morning’s scheduled sale is any indication, Best Buy is not ready to compete with the big boys and girls. [More]

Yep, Shoppers Started Camping Out For Black Friday This Wednesday
Yes, it’s advantageous to line up for an irresistible sale early. A duo of California shoppers were a little too early to this year’s Black Friday sale at their local Best Buy, though, camping outside of the store more than a week ahead of time. Security staff booted them off the property, asking them to return on Thanksgiving. Thank Providence someone in this scenario is sane. [More]

Your Guide To Black Friday Start Times: Start Planning Extreme Shopping Strategies
We already know that Walmart is pushing back its Black Friday sale start time to 8 p.m. on Thursday (yes, that’s Thanksgiving!), but what about all its competitors? When are those doors going to come banging open to allow the frenzied flow of devoted discounters to get to work? Let’s just say it might be a good idea to scheduled dinner early in the day if you want to partake in the retail madness. [More]

Funny Pictures: Not Always Funny On Second Glance
Reader Justin sent us this picture of a comically overpriced microSD card on the shelf at Best Buy. Oh, this storage device is overpriced by $310! Best Buy, you’re so silly! Only it’s not as silly as the casual observer might think, because this isn’t really an item for sale. [More]

Fitbit Doesn’t Seem To Understand How Preorders Work
Andy was really excited about the new Fitbit One. He placed a pre-order back when the activity-tracking gadget was first announced, and waited patiently for the projected “early November” ship date. November began, and the new Fitbit began to show up on the shelves of virtual and real-life stores, but not in his mailbox. Why, he asks, does any random person wandering through Best Buy get their Fitbit before early orderers like him? [More]

Time Warner Cable Dangling Free Xboxes To Entice Customers To Sign Up At Best Buy
People want free stuff. Cable companies need new customers. Best Buy really, really needs shoppers to set foot in its stores. These three facts have all resulted in a promotion that has TWC offering up free Xbox 360s to new customers who sign up for its Triple Play package while visiting Best Buy. [More]