No mere retail mixup can really “ruin” any holiday. Holidays aren’t about turkeys or iPods or even candles: they’re about bringing people who care about each other or who are at least related to each other together for warm memories and strained conversation. Reader L. is disappointed in Best Buy, though: their mixup means that he couldn’t give his family the great presents he had planned for Hanukkah. [More]
best buy error not in your favor

Best Buy E-mail System Really Wants To Make Sure I Know Store Is Closed
Victor gets it, Best Buy. He ordered a Vita memory card for in-store pickup, but the store is closed. He got the message the first time, but Best Buy decided to keep reminding him. Well, that, or their e-mail system has some kind of bug, but it’s fun to think about the system checking every five minutes or so to be sure: “nope, still closed.” [More]