UPDATE: The leadership of Ocean City, MD, has clarified in a public statement that not only are the town’s beaches not topless, but that women who sunbathe without covering up may face legal trouble. [More]

Don’t Have A Special Case To Protect Your Electronics On The Beach? A Plastic Bag Will Do
Many of us can’t even pass by a glass of water or toilet without our phones leaping straight into them, causing often irreparable damage and a whole lot of irritation. So the beach, with its crashing waves and insidious sand, is a veritable wet and gritty pit of despair, waiting to claim your electronics. You can find plenty of waterproof special bags on the market, but a regular sliding bag will do the trick, too. [More]

Something New To Worry About: Getting Impaled By Rogue Beach Umbrella
We’re all about safety, so we feel obligated to let you know that at any time you could be impaled by a flying beach umbrella. Cover your body with Kevlar at all times. That’s what one Ocean City, Maryland beach-goer should have done if she was really serious about safety. Her reckless lack of body armor resulted in a beach umbrella sticking out of her leg. [More]

Wearable Towel: Summer's Answer To The Snuggie
It’s too warm out now to use your Snuggie, but you just don’t look weird enough around the house. What to do? The alert trendspotters at Gawker brought this exciting new product to our attention. Meet the Wearable Towel! The towel with arm openings! There’s even a Snuggie-style commercial on the site, which, mercifully, I can’t embed here. Sorry, it’s on YouTube. I have to inflict it on you.

How To Protect Electronics At The Beach
If the elements do manage to breach your defenses, send them on their way with a can of compressed air.

UPDATE: Boiled Walmart Baby
Yesterday we spoke at length with Ritta over the phone. According to her statement these are the

UPDATE: Boiled Walmart Baby, With Pix
Dramatic photos of Ritta’s car in the Walmart parking lot after they broke the window to get her trapped baby. Note, these were taken a few hours after the incident occurred.

Correction: Boiled Walmart Baby
Rita, who had a baby trapped in the van in the Walmart parking lot in 104 degree weather, wrote in to make sure we got one detail straight: