Most stories we write about unhappy customers returning to the scene of their displeasure end badly — sometimes burn-down-the-building, drive-your-car-into-the-restaurant badly. So we’re relieved to bring you a tale of an angry Starbucks customer who came back to the coffee shop to apologize and compensate the barista she felt she’d wronged. [More]

Starbucks Customer Gets Mad At Barista, Returns With Apology Note & $50

Starbucks Employees Can Now Match Green Hair To Their Green Aprons
Nearly two years after Starbucks allowed employees to get a bit more graphic behind the counter — showing some visible tattoos for the first time — the coffee giant is once again revamping its dress code, this time allowing baristas to wear more color — even if that happens to be in their hair. [More]
Getting To Know Baristas: Secrets From Behind The Espresso Machine
He’s not just the guy foaming your milk, or the gal making sure you’ve got the right roast in your cup. Being a barista is a serious business, and it’s a job that didn’t even exist 30 years ago. Where would you be without your barista? Cranky and caffeine-deprived, that’s where. So let’s learn a bit more about their world, shall we? [More]

Why Your Starbucks Barista Hates You
I always assume everyone hates me, but here is some confirmation from an angry Starbucks barista whose name is not Egon, but who prefers to be referred to as such. [More]