Travelers trying to fly to anywhere from anywhere on United this morning are being met with delays, confusion, and misinformation as a massive computer system outage has struck the airline. [More]
bad news

“Tens Of Millions” Of Personal Records Stolen In Hack On Health Insurance Company Anthem
Any data breach is bad, but the more personal they are — and the more widespread — the worse. And by both metrics, the hack just announced by major health insurer Anthem is particularly terrible. [More]

HP To Give The Axe To 27,000 Employees
Earlier today, HP announced its latest quarterly earnings and the results were not good — like “We are going to have to lay off 27,000 employees” not good. [More]

No More Daily Show Or Colbert Report On Hulu
The New York Times is reporting that Viacom plans to pull its Comedy Central programming from Hulu next week because it can’t reach an agreement with the video site on compensation. In a post today on its blog, a Hulu executive notes that Hulu was “unable to secure the rights to extend these shows,” and that they’ll be gone as of 11:59 pm PST next Tuesday, March 9th. After that, you can continue watching them on and [More]

What's The Over/Under On Mint Starting To Suck Now That Intuit Bought Them?
I blanched when I saw the subject line, “ to be acquired by Intuit, maker of Quicken.” More like “ to be acquired by Intuit, makers of crap,” I thought. Judging by your comments, I don’t blanch alone.

Over 71,400 jobs were cut today, bringing the total jobs cut this year to over 200,000. CNN Money has a list of what’s been lost in 2009 so far. [CNN Money] (Thanks to Olevia!)
(Photo: bbaunach)

Our National Debt Has Outgrown The 'National Debt Clock' In NYC
Now that we’ve hit double-digit trillions, the “National Debt” clock that’s been running constantly since 1989 in New York City’s midtown can no longer properly display the total. Brian Williams says they’ve had to temporarily adjust the display while they build a new one, slated to go up next year. We’re not sure anyone should be spending money on a fancy new hi-tech clock right now—maybe they should just hang a big chalk board, and hire an unemployed investment banker to write the new debt each day. See the video below.

Record Decline In U.S. Home Prices, Foreclosure Filings Up
The already troubled housing market is just getting worse says the latest report from S&P Case/Shiller. The 10-City Composite’s annual decline of 8.4% is a new record low for the index, which started recording home prices in 1987.

Family Finds A Secret Room Filled With Toxic Mold In New House
Jason and Kerri Brown of Greenville, S.C. found a secret room, hidden behind a bookcase, in their newly purchased home. When they entered the room, they found a note that said “You found it!”

Medical Records Are The New Credit Score?
Just like an error on your credit report can affect your score, an error on your medical records can have an impact when you’re applying for insurance, according to the Wall Street Journal.

Nationwide To Drop 39,000 Homeowner Insurance Policies In Florida
With each passing hurricane it becomes more difficult for homeowners in the gulf states to secure howeowner insurance policies. Now Nationwide has announced that they are dropping 39,000 policies in Florida. This follows announcements from Allstate and and State Farm that they were dropping 156,000 policies due to the 2004-2005 hurricane season.