Rewarding people with cash has generally been a good way to motivate them to do things they are otherwise not obligated to do, but a new study claims that when you offer folks money for writing online reviews, it can backfire and result in fewer overall reviews. [More]
bad idea

Do Not Try To Parkour Across A Bruegger’s Rooftop To Impress Your Date
Emergency responders had to work for hours overnight to free a Pittsburgh-area man trapped between two buildings. He was not there due to some accident of architecture or building collapse, though; he was there because he’d tried to execute a rooftop maneuver he shouldn’t have been doing, and failed. Badly. [More]

Scribbling 9/11 Joke On To-Go Container Is A Good Way To Get Fired
A bartender at a Houston-area restaurant is without a job today because he apparently thought it was giggle-worthy to leave a “Happy Sep” message — complete with cartoon plane about to hit the Twin Towers — on the to-go container of a Muslim customer. [More]

Man Chugs Entire Bottle Of Vodka Rather Than Turn It Over To Airport Security
Here’s a bad idea: