
Shotgun Blast Settles $36.50 Gas Bill

Shotgun Blast Settles $36.50 Gas Bill

Now that prices of gas are skyrocketing, it’s perhaps understandable that you’d underestimate the cost of a full tank. But watch out! Being short on bread for a tank of gas could cause you to look down the cobalt blue double barrels of a sawed-off shotgun.

The Delectability of Rented Cars

The Delectability of Rented Cars

berg has now become a rogue free agent, and he has posted a great article over at Wired on the ethereal pleasures of rented cars.

Buy a Sentra or a Cobalt?

Buy a Sentra or a Cobalt?

“What’s better, a Nissan Sentra or a Chevy Cobalt?” queried a reader, noting they could get a fully equipped Sentra for $14,500 and a comparibly tricked-out Cobalt for $13,600.

Broken Bumpers, Sneaky Mechanics, and Screaming

Broken Bumpers, Sneaky Mechanics, and Screaming

This is never a good way to start a date:

80’s Chevy Cavalier: Live It!

Live today’s Chevrolet with Cavalier! Plus, an interior that comforts your very soul.

Congress Moves To Protect Honest Car Mechanics, Chupacabras

Congress Moves To Protect Honest Car Mechanics, Chupacabras

Congress is considering a “Right to Repair” bill. The idea, basically, is that car manufacturers’ proprietary systems give them a monopoly on many types of car repairs, making that walking, oil-covered ass crack at your local garage impotent in gouging you twice as much money for a simple repair than its actually worth.

Hawaiian Gas Cap Bleeds Customers Even Drier

Hawaiian Gas Cap Bleeds Customers Even Drier

Now that we are all paying for gas not with money (who can afford it?) but priceless, non-inflationary currencies like our daughter’s virginities and healthy human livers, you might start thinking that the government should get involved. “They should regulate, control and cap gasoline prices for our nation’s motorists!” you might cry.

O. Henry Gets a Flat

O. Henry Gets a Flat

Drew writes in what surely has to be one of our more literary, if not in style, at least in structure, stories we’ve received to date.

Find Cheap Gas

Find Cheap Gas

Two tools for finding cheap gas teats nearby are Cheap Gas and MSN Autos. The first integrates Gas Buddy with Google Maps. Bill Gates’ offering displays pricing info from over 90,000 gas stations nationwide using data from the OPIS Price Index.

A Tale of Two Gas Stations

A Tale of Two Gas Stations

It’s like that scene in Steinbeck’s The Pearl where the pearl buyers are all lined up in a row, giving the illusion of competitiveness but they’re really in cahoots with one another. Except the pearl is your car and the peasant wins, temporarily.

UPDATE: Buying a Car and Getting Away With It

UPDATE: Buying a Car and Getting Away With It

2006. It’s called, “The Financing Fell Through Scam.”

Sympathy For The Devil; Oil’s Makeover

Sympathy For The Devil; Oil’s Makeover

As of late, the oil industry finds itself suffering an image malfunction. Petrol makers have hired Blue Worldwide, the advertising wing of PR giant Edelman. Another one of Edelman’s clients is Wal-Mart. But is that enough? McCain attacked major oil companies last week over reckless profiteering: “Outside of satanic cults, these people have the worst P.R. of anybody in the world.”

HOW TO: Buy A Car Without Putting A Shotgun In Your Mouth

HOW TO: Buy A Car Without Putting A Shotgun In Your Mouth

Browsing Metafilter, we found this excellent post detailing the smart way to make a purchase from those plaid-skinned abominations who lurk in the primal shadows of every consumerist’s nightmares, grinning their straight razor smiles and beckoning us to sign contracts in bilesome blood: the car salesman.

Gas Companies Profit During Consumer Plight

Gas Companies Profit During Consumer Plight

As quarterly earnings rolled in yesterday, Exxon announced it earned $8 billion in profits. The oil company earned 9.5 cents per dollar of gas, “cashing in on skyrocketing prices at every stage of the process,” reports MSNBC.

Gas by Dash Snow

Gas by Dash Snow

Your pain at the pump is palatable, but what ring of the underworld inferno should we consider this?

Drivers Run Out of Gas to Save Monies

Drivers Run Out of Gas to Save Monies


Avis Has Compact Tact Available But Not Car…

A complaint and a tip, all in one email, what a happy day, albeit not one for Avis car rental.

Toddlers Too Fat For Child Safety Seats

Toddlers Too Fat For Child Safety Seats

Millions of American parents are dealing with a new problem: how to squish that gelatinous piece of lard into a too-small child safety seat.