
AT&T Customers Petition CEO To Stop Throttling Unlimited Data Plans

The battle over the word “unlimited” has begun, as AT&T customers are fighting back against the Death Star’s throttling of so-called “data hogs,” even though available info shows that most of these people are using completely reasonable amounts of data for owners of unlimited plans. [More]

Our Records Indicate That You Don't Want A Phone Book… Here Is Your Phone Book

Our Records Indicate That You Don't Want A Phone Book… Here Is Your Phone Book

“Our records indicate that you have elected not to receive the AT&T directory currently being delivered,” said the tag left on Chris’s doorknob. This is correct. He has requested to not receive any phone books whatsoever, from any phone company, for the last three years. AT&T doesn’t believe him, though, so they left him some phone books just in case. [More]

AT&T Wants App Builders To Help Foot Data Bill

As the demand for high-speed wireless data access continues to grow, carriers are trying to come up with new ways to cover their costs. The latest proposal from the folks at AT&T: That the people who build data-hogging apps should ante up. [More]

Tips For Anyone Thinking Of Taking AT&T To Small Claims Court

Last week, a man in California made headlines after his small claims court victory over AT&T for the wireless provider’s throttling of his unlimited data plan. Since then, a number of AT&T customers have wondered if they also have grounds for a complaint. [More]

Man Sues AT&T For Throttling His iPhone Service — And Wins!

This could be the start of something interesting. An AT&T customer in California was less than thrilled by the Death Star’s decision to throttle his iPhone service even though he was on an unlimited data plan. So he went down to small claims court and came out victorious. [More]

Why Won't Anyone At AT&T Answer The DSL Cancellation Line?

Most phone/cable/internet providers make it a pain in the butt to cancel service, requiring that you call a specific number during certain hours. But the folks at AT&T DSL seem to be going a step further by not even answering the phone when a customer calls up to cancel. [More]

Sony Teams Up With AT&T To Anger PlayStation Vita Customers

In the months leading up to the release of the Sony’s handheld PlayStation Vita, a number of people pre-ordered a $299 bundle for the 3G version of the device that included a free month of wireless service. But now some of those customers are less than thrilled to find out that that free month is actually the second month of AT&T service. [More]

Beastie Boy Mike D Fights AT&T For Shareholders' Right To Vote On Net Neutrality

Sorry, but there was just no way we’d be able to refrain from referencing Beastie Boys songs/lyrics in this one: Michael Diamond, aka Mike D, has teamed up with two other investors, including his wife, to sabotage AT&T’s attempt to not allow shareholders to vote on resolutions supporting wireless net-neutrality in yearly shareholder votes. [More]

Report: Next iPads Will Run On 4G LTE Networks

The Apple iPad currently dominates the tablet market, even though none of the currently available versions give users access to 4G wireless networks. But according to a new report, that could all change when the latest iPads are unveiled next month. [More]

Have You Gotten A Text From AT&T Warning You About Your Data Usage?

Back in July, we first wrote about AT&T’s plan to start throttling data for wireless customers with unlimited plans who crossed over into the top 5% of data users. And starting in October, those customers began getting warning texts from the Death Star. But in recent months, we’re seeing more and more complaints from people who are receiving these texts but whose data usage isn’t terribly high. [More]

4G Phones Are Fast But Spotty Service Is A Real Drain On Your Battery

With Verizon’s 4G network covering a good chunk of the country and AT&T gaining ground, more smartphone users have access to the fastest wireless service available. But because 4G coverage isn’t truly continuous in many locations, users’ batteries are taking a big hit. [More]

When The Lights Go Out, You Might Be Stuck Without A Landline

When The Lights Go Out, You Might Be Stuck Without A Landline

Now that telephone and cable companies have increasingly moved away from using the old tried and true copper lines to provide landline service, you might find yourself without a phone in a power outage. Our seriously smart siblings at Consumer Reports looked into the drawbacks of landline fiber optic and VoIP telephone systems. [More]

Not Only Did AT&T Lose A Bundle On The Failed Merger But It's Also Trailing Verizon In New Customers

Not Only Did AT&T Lose A Bundle On The Failed Merger But It's Also Trailing Verizon In New Customers

AT&T post-failed merger with T-Mobile is at that point where it’s like not only did you get divorced and have to pay out a bunch of money to your ex, but also the annoying woman who sits next to you at work is constantly gabbing on the phone about how many dates she’s getting and how wonderfully fantastic her life is. [More]

AT&T Hikes Data Plans' Caps & Costs

AT&T Hikes Data Plans' Caps & Costs

If you plan to switch to AT&T for a new smart phone or wireless tablet contract, do it now. After January 22, AT&T’s monthly wireless data plans get more expensive by $5. If it’s any consolation, you do get up to one additional gigabyte of data. [More]

FCC Chair Calls AT&T/T-Mobile Failure "Reminder Of The Benefits Of Competition"

FCC Chair Calls AT&T/T-Mobile Failure "Reminder Of The Benefits Of Competition"

In less than a year, AT&T went from swallowing up T-Mobile USA for for $39 billion to owing T-Mobile’s German parent company $3 billion in cash and another billion in spectrum because that deal slammed into the regulatory roadblock at the FCC and the Justice Dept. Speaking for the third year in a row at the Consumer Electronics Show, FCC chair Julius Genachowski defended his agency’s actions against the deal. [More]

EECB To AT&T Succeeds Where Small Claims Court Fails

EECB To AT&T Succeeds Where Small Claims Court Fails

Consumerist reader Judy has three young daughters, all of whom have Samsung Impression phones, many of which have failed over the last year or so and needed to be replaced by AT&T. So when the holiday times rolled around, Judy wanted to upgrade her kids’ regular ol’, buggy cell phones with iPhone 4S smartphones. She’d hoped that AT&T would see the benefit in allowing her to upgrade early and get a head start on paying them more money. Alas, the Death Star did not see the wisdom in her way of thinking. [More]

AT&T Cries "Uncle," Pulls Plug On Plan To Buy T-Mobile

AT&T Cries "Uncle," Pulls Plug On Plan To Buy T-Mobile

Faced with regulatory hurdles too tall for it to leap, AT&T has announced that it has pulled the plug on its proposed plan to purchase T-Mobile USA from Deutsche Telekom for $39 billion. [More]

More Signs That AT&T Could Pull Out Of Deal To Purchase T-Mobile

More Signs That AT&T Could Pull Out Of Deal To Purchase T-Mobile

While AT&T has publicly said it is considering ways to restructure its plan to purchase T-Mobile USA for $39 billion will end the Justice Dept.’s suit to block the merger — and the FCC’s plan to put up regulatory speed bumps — a news report claims that there are new signs that the Death Star may be looking to retreat. [More]