Someone at Xavier University in Cincinnati must have a direct line to the gods of pizza (who rule our desires from atop their throne of cheese on Mount Pepperoni) because the Cincinnati place of higher learning is getting the country’s very first pizza ATM. [More]
ask and ye shall receive

Teenager Tweeting For TP Help In Bathroom Rescued By Virgin Trains Staff
Just because you don’t think you’ll receive any help doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try. Because you never know who’s listening on Twitter, with the power to bring you your heart’s desire. In the case of a British teen stuck in a train lavatory without any much needed toilet paper, his tweeted please for help were heard by Virgin Trains’ social media team, and answered with real life customer service. [More]

Apple Calls Teen An Hour After She Wrote CEO Tim Cook About Dictionary’s “Gay” Entry
If you see something you disagree with in a product millions of people use, you should say something — even if you think the CEO of a huge company like Apple won’t pay attention. A high school girl decided she wasn’t too pleased with one of the Apple dictionary app’s definitions of the word “gay” and fired off a letter to CEO Tim Cook about it. Much to her surprise, the company replied within an hour. [More]

AT&T CSR: We'll Probably Refund Your Minimum-Use Fees If You Ask
Yesterday, we wrote about a new “minimum use” fee AT&T was charging to landline customers without long-distance service plans. Per the official company line, the only way to get around the fee is to make the equivalent amount in long-distance calls or pay another fee to remove access to long-distance from your account. But a CSR from AT&T tells Consumerist that you can probably get the fees credited back to your account if you just ask. [More]