In an effort to ease the transition from military service to the private sector — and help former servicemembers find jobs that match their skills — the Dept. of Veterans Affairs has launched a new service on its website that it hopes will allow employers to connect directly with veterans looking for work. [More]
armed forces

Banks That Market To & Serve Military Also Tacking On Huge Fees
One might assume that banks marketing to U.S. military servicemembers would not be out to nickel and dime these men and women with unnecessarily high fees on their accounts. But among those financial institutions levying the highest level of fees on its account-holders are several that not only market to the military but also have branches on military bases. [More]

Memo To U.S. Airways Employees: The Coast Guard Is Part Of The Military
The United States Coast Guard is part of the Department of Homeland Security rather than the Department of Defense. This distinction probably wasn’t what a U.S. Airways employee had in mind when refusing to waive Jennifer’s baggage fees, though. Jennifer was returning to her station from a trip to visit family, but the employee insisted that she had to pay a baggage fee like civilians do, because the Coast Guard isn’t part of the military. A manager agreed, but they were both wrong. Jennifer didn’t need to pay to check her bags, and members of the Coast Guard have served in just about every war in American history. They certainly are part of the military. [More]

Gym Makes Navy Family With Moving Orders Pay Cancellation Fee
A Navy family with government orders to move from California to Virginia was surprised when their gym wanted to charge them a $200 early termination fee. [More]

Fannie Mae Gives Wounded Soldiers A Break On Mortgages
Fannie Mae yesterday announced that military families with a member who was injured or killed while on active duty can apply for a forbearance of up to six months if they’re having trouble making their mortgage payments. [More]

AT&T Gives You The Runaround Over Your Military Discount
Now he’s launched an EECB on AT&T and has CC’d us so we can listen in.
So You’ve Decided To Join The Army Just To Cancel Your Cellphone
We’ve noted that one “tactic” to leave your cellphone is joining the armed services, and Davros, a former cellphone call rep sent in some rockets red glare to illuminate the particulars.